Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

General Announcements:
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • Drivers Needed:
  • Fri., May 6: Music festival, featuring the Prisms' hip-hop routine, at Helen Hills Hills Chapel.
  • Mon., May 9: DJ meeting/workshop, 3:05-3:45 in the Tech Lab. Arrange transportation accordingly. If you want to DJ the dance, you must attend. Contact Grace if you have questions about the meeting. See DJ Guidelines.
  • Fri., May 13: Your student-produced, student-DJed 6-7-8 dance, 7:30-10:30 PM. Bring your own rocketship!
  • Eighth Grade Project resource page updated 4/27, including project deadlines through the end of the project. Page will be updated as I get new information.
  • Download Ukulele Club documents (links fixed) here.

    Grade 7 & 8
  • Due Mon., 5/9: Complete Math's Mate 3.4 according to usual protocol, including any attached N/A problems from previous sheets.

Language Arts:
  • Due Tues., 5/10: Read Ch. 18-21 - do 1½-page journal entry!

Social Studies:
  • Due Fri., 5/5: More detailed color sketch of your fresco image on 12 by 12 drawing paper.

    Grade 8 only
  • Due Fri., 5/6: Answer all multiple choice questions in practice test packets from 2009 and 2010.

  • Due Wed., 5/11: Bring in photos for yearbook any way you can: on camera, flash drive, CD, prints to scan.

Moment of Zen:

A mass ordination of 34,000 Buddhist monks at Dhammakaya Temple in Thailand, as photographed by Luke Duggleby.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

General Announcements:
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • Drivers Needed:
  • Fri., May 6: Music festival, featuring the Prisms' hip-hop routine, at Helen Hills Hills Chapel.
  • Mon., May 9: DJ meeting/workshop, 3:05-3:45 in the Tech Lab. Arrange transportation accordingly. If you want to DJ the dance, you must attend. Contact Grace if you have questions about the meeting. See DJ Guidelines.
  • Fri., May 13: Your student-produced, student-DJed 6-7-8 dance, 8-11 PM.
  • Eighth Grade Project resource page updated 4/27, including project deadlines through the end of the project. Page will be updated as I get new information.
  • Download Ukulele Club documents (links fixed) here.

    Grade 7
  • Due Th., 5/5: Complete Ex. 5.6 on Percents. Show how you arrived at each answer on separate paper. Refer to examples at top of page.
    Grade 8
  • Due Th., 5/5:
    • Do 4.2 on pp. 43-44. Use area models for all possible arrangements in the 2 containters. There should be 5.

Language Arts:
  • Due Th., 5/5: Read Ch. 16 & 17. Write a 1-page jounral entry of statements & questions to discuss. Be ready for quiz as usual.

Social Studies:
  • Due Thurs., 5/5: More detailed color sketch of your fresco image on 12 by 12 drawing paper.

    Grade 8 only
  • Due Fri., 5/6: Answer all multiple choice questions in practice test packets from 2009 and 2010.

    Grade 7
  • Due Th., 5/5: Finish crossword of terms from Ch. 2 of Piratas, begun in class today.
  • Grade 8
  • Due Th., 5/5: Find 5 examples of past tense verbs from Ch. 5 of Robo en la noche and sort into imperfecto and pretérito.

Moment of Zen:

"Atom Cars: Next Year or Never" (c. 1958)

The advent of atomic energy in the mid-20th century went hand in hand with the futuristic rhetoric of the time. This brought us a whole slew of deliciously cheesy sci-fi movies with titles like Bride of the Atom and constant proposals for developing new technology at a breakneck pace. This included concept designs for just about anything to be powered by self-contained small reactors. Pictured above is an image for a proposed nuclear car, the Ford Nucleon (some of the cars in the Fallout game series were modeled on this concept). One poster for the concept car claimed, "Next year or never." History is not without a somewhat ironic sense of humor. Click the image to see more visions of retro-futuristic atomic-powered products.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

General Announcements:
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • Drivers Needed:
  • Fri., May 6: Music festival, featuring the Prisms' hip-hop routine, at Helen Hills Hills Chapel.
  • Fri., May 13: 6-7-8 dance, pending volunteer cleanup support, 8-11 PM. For those interested in DJing, see DJ Guidelines.
  • Eighth Grade Project resource page updated 4/27, including project deadlines through the end of the project. Page will be updated as I get new information.
  • Download Ukulele Club documents (links fixed) here.

    Grade 7
  • Nada
    Grade 8
  • Due Wed., 5/4:
    • Do #15 on p. 18 and #20 on p. 20. Use either sample space or counting tree to organize data.

Language Arts:
  • Due Th., 5/5: Read Ch. 16 & 17. Write a 1-page jounral entry of statements & questions to discuss. Be ready for quiz as usual.

Social Studies:
  • Due Wed., 5/4: Come up with an image for your fresco and do a very simple small sketch to be approved by John. See assignment handout for image guidelines.
  • Due Thurs., 5/5: More detailed color sketch of your fresco image on 12 by 12 drawing paper.

  • Due Tues., 5/3: Remove Chemistry notes from binder and place in pronged folder.

    Grade 7
  • Due Th., 5/5: Finish crossword of terms from Ch. 2 of Piratas, begun in class today.
  • Grade 8
  • Due Th., 5/5: Find 5 examples of past tense verbs from Ch. 5 of Robo en la noche and sort into imperfecto and pretérito.

Moment of Zen:

Your Age on Other Planets

The Exploratorium's website has up a page of that will allow you to find your age on all of the sun's planets (and yes, they do include Pluto). For each of the nine planets, they show your age in days (rotational periods), years (orbital periods), and tell you what the date of your next birthday on that planet will be. They also explain how the calculations are done at the bottom of a page. I have my first Saturnian birthday on June 12 of this year!