Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

General Announcements:
  • Friday PE: Wear or bring clothes/shoes to move in indoors.
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • Grade 7:
    • A total of 40 notecards (including those you've already done) is due Wed., 3/20
    • Practice long composition. Prompt is shared on Google Docs.
  • Grade 8: 800 words of rough draft due Mon., 3/18
  • All: Read about ¼ of your novel by Tues., March 19.
  • Big Ideas Math Website: choose your color/name of book.

  • Graph paper link on the sidebar →

    Grade 8
    Tech: Science:
    • Due Wed., 3/13: Two more resources for your research project on the Renaissance/Golden Age of Islam
      Grade 7
    • Study/practice conjugations of tener
    • Grade 8
    8th Grade Project:
    • Due Wed., 3/13: At least 300 words of your first draft.
    Moment of Zen

    Universal Truth #536: Cats Like Boxes

    Even when the kitty in question is a leopard.

    (Click the photo to go to a video of lions and tigers playing with cardboard boxes.)

    Monday, March 11, 2013

    Monday, March 11, 2013

    General Announcements:
    • Friday PE: Wear or bring clothes/shoes to move in indoors.
    • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
    • If you signed up to make a Thank You card for one of the people who helped out with Coffeehouse, it's due tomorrow
    • Grade 7: 20 notecards due Monday for "Hero" project.
    • Grade 8: 100 words of rough draft due tomorrow
    • All: Read about ¼ of your novel by March 19.
  • Big Ideas Math Website: choose your color/name of book.
  • Graph paper link on the sidebar →
  • Grade 7 Level 1
    • Due Tues., 3/12: Your finished box project, including the following:
      • Sketch of box design and sketch of flat plan, dimensions labeled (does not need to be to scale, but I will be checking your proposed measurements against what your design describes). This page should also include the surface area of your design.
      • Your cardboard prototype
      • Your one-paragraph pitch, describing how your box design fulfills the criteria listed on the project sheet. For reference, those are:
        • easy to make
        • holds together with just cardboard and tape
        • easy to open and close
        • uses a minimum weight of packing material
        • visually interesting

    Grade 8
    • Due Tues., 3/12: textbook, p. 256, #1, 9-14, 16-20, 26, 28, 31

    Tech: Science:
    • Due Tues., 3/12: At least 3 resources for your research project on the Renaissance/Golden Age of Islam
      Grade 7
    • Grade 8
    8th Grade Project:
    • Due Tues., 3/12: At least 100 words of your first draft.
    Moment of Zen

    Elemental Beauty

    Japanese chemist and photographer R. Tanaka has a beautiful set of photos of elemental crystals, which take some intriguing forms (see the above Bismuth crystal). Click above to see his crystal Flickr set.