Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday, December 16, 2016

Homework is due next class unless otherwise noted

Math 7 and 8
Click HERE to go to the math site.
Choose your Class, 7 or 8 on the left. Then choose Assignments/Tasks for your homework.
POW #10 is due Monday, 12/19.
Next Quiz is Wednesday, 12/21

Language Arts
7th: Write up your interview by Thursday, December 22. 
8th: Preliminary research sheet completed, due Tuesday, 12/20. 

Rough draft of your "upstander/bystander" poem due Friday, 12/16.

Groups A&B-Finish Genocide Convention worksheet for Monday 12/19.

Start thinking for your final project. Decide what type of project-either found poem or memorial-for Monday, 12/19.

Complete your planner and share with John (at least 15 facts) by Tuesday, 12/20. If you send it to John by Monday, he can get your comments sooner and you can begin revising.

Bring home your solar cooker or John will recycle it!

7th: None!
8th: None!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thursday, December 15

Homework is due next class unless otherwise noted

Math 7 and 8
Click HERE to go to the math site.
Choose your Class, 7 or 8 on the left. Then choose Assignments/Tasks for your homework.
POW #10 is due Monday, 12/19.
Next Quiz is Wednesday, 12/21

Language Arts
7th: Interview an immigrant, questions and notes due Wednesday, 12/14.
8th: Preliminary research sheet completed, due Tuesday, 12/20. 

Rough draft of your "upstander/bystander" poem due Friday, 12/16.

Genocide Convention Reading and questions, due Friday, 12/16.

Outline of your weather presentation is due Friday, 12/16.

7th: Cognate Packet due Friday. Puppet show rehearsal on Friday, 12/15. Final show next week, 12/20

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Homework is due next class unless otherwise noted

Math 7 and 8
Click HERE to go to the math site.
Choose your Class, 7 or 8 on the left. Then choose Assignments/Tasks for your homework.
POW #10 is due Monday, 12/19.

Language Arts
7th: Interview an immigrant, questions and notes due Wednesday, 12/14.
8th: Preliminary research due Tuesday, 12/20. 

Wave essay due Tuesday, 12/13.
Rough draft of your "upstander/bystander" poem due Thursday, 12/15.

Read rescuer story, answer questions 1-4 on class handout, due Thursday, 12/15.

Outline of your weather presentation is due Friday, 12/16.

7th: Puppet show rehearsal on Thursday, 12/15. Final show next week, 12/20
8th: Choose 2 words from each chapter 7-11, Piratas. (10 words total) Make a sentence strip for each one, and put vocab words on a separate small paper. Bring set on Thursday, 12/15.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tuesday, December 13

Homework is due next class unless otherwise noted

Math 7 and 8
Click HERE to go to the math site.
Choose your Class, 7 or 8 on the left. Then choose Assignments/Tasks for your homework.
7th grade: pg. 176, 4-16 all
8th grade: Practice 6.2 Pythagorean Theorem

Language Arts
7th: Interview an immigrant, questions and notes due Wednesday, 12/14.
8th: Project worksheet: "Decisions to make" bring Wednesday, 12/14.

Wave essay due Tuesday, 12/13.
Rough draft of your "upstander/bystander" poem due Thursday, 12/15.

Read rescuer story, answer questions 1-4 on class handout, due Thursday, 12/15.

Choose a format for your weather presentation. Bring all of your resources tomorrow (Wed) for a workday.
Page 62 in your SN, personal review page due on Thursday, 12/15.

7th: Puppet show rehearsal on Thursday, 12/15. Final show next week, 12/20
8th: Choose 2 words from each chapter 7-11, Piratas. (10 words total) Make a sentence strip for each one, and put vocab words on a separate small paper. Bring set on Thursday, 12/15.