Welcome to the Prisms Homework Blog!
Assignments are "due next class" unless another date is specified.
- Be ready to lead conference (Friday 10/30)
- Lit Response Essay 3 Paragraphs (due Weds. 10/28)
- Read and study vocab (due Thursday 10/29)
- Keep reading on your radar!
The Girl who Owned a City Finish the book!
Lord of the Flies Finish the book!
Animal Farm Read "Why Reeds are Hollow"
Math (7th):
Pages 126-127
- Level 1: Choose 4 in #1-9, Choose 6 in #10-21
- Level 2: Choose 4 in #1-9, Choose 6 in #10-21, 24, 26, 30
- Level 3: Choose 4 in #1-9, Choose 6 in #10-21, 24, 25, 26, 29,30
Math (8th):
Math (Grace)
- "Nightmare at 4000 Feet" 31-4, 5, 8 (others are bonus)
TECH (Grace)
- Transformations are due tomorrow!
- Make an output page for "Physical and Chemical Properties"
- Bee/Cell Essay Final Draft is due 2 days after receiving John's comments
Humanities: TAVERN
Constitution Scavenger Hunt
Spanish (7th)
Pueba Miercoles articulors y objectos en la clase (due Wed.)
Spanish (8th)
Reading HW BLOG is a great strategy for staying organized and getting work done! If you see Laurie on TUESDAY, 10/26....tell her one of the HW Blog quotes and receive a small prize! TUESDAY ONLY!