- If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
- Yoga Unit in PE on Fridays - Please wear or bring comfortable clothes to move in on Fridays during this unit.
- Student Art Exhibit at Meekins Library: This is an encore exhibit of last year's Prisms artwork currently on display at the Meekins Library in Williamsburg Center. Throughout the month of January, their 3-tiered drawings illustrating the history of the Connecticut River are on display.
- Due Fri., 1/6: Read Howard Zinn article and annotate.
- Graph paper link on the sidebar →
All - Due Mon., 1/9: Math's Mate 2.4, including any attached N/A problems, according to usual protocol:
- no calculators
- you must show work for problems marked with * on an attached sheet of paper
- Nada
8th Grade Project:
- Watch this space!
Moment of Zen: