General Announcements:
- Fridays: Bring sneakers, clothes to run in and water bottle for Frisbee!
- Mon., 9/13: Permission Slips for field trip to Camp Hi-Rock due.
- Wed-Fri, Sep. 15-17: Prisms field trip to Camp Hi-Rock in Great Barrington, MA: Students should arrive at the school at normal drop-off time on Wed., 9/15 and will return by 3:00 PM on Fri., 9/17. See packet handed out Fri., 9/3 for additional details.
- 7th & 8th Grade:
- Due Mon., 9/13:
- Write your personal, annual goals for learning this year.
- Complete Math's Mate Term 1, Sheet 1. Remember the following protocol for Math's Mate:
- No calculators
- Work independently of others students, but go ahead and ask parents/teachers for help on sticky problems.
- Show all work for questions marked with * on a separate sheet of lined paper, which will be stapled to the back of the worksheet.
- Make sure all answers are written in the appropriate space on the worksheet.
- Any assigned question left blank or answered with gobbledigook (which ranges from ? to ☺ to random numbers put in to make it look like you tried it) will become part of your assignment for the following week.
- No calculators. Really.
Social Studies:
- Due Mon., 9/13: WRite a 1-2 ¶ reflection on your evaluation of the MI results for you. Use the following prompt:
- Based on the various surveys of Multiple Intelligences I have taken, this is what I can conclude about my own learning style.
Language Arts:
- Due Mon., 9/13: If you did not present today, be prepared to present on Monday. Also, have an
independent reading book that is new to you with you. It should be school appropriate. You may have
already begun reading it.
- Grade 7
- Due Mon., 9/13 : 1 "trabalengua"
- Grade 8
- No hay tarea (No homework)
- Due Next Tues., 9/14: Online, research what the world's oldest instrument is.
Moment of Zen
Experiments In Improbable Physics
In considering the photo series the above image comes from, called "Manufactured Totems" by French photographer Alain Delorme, which features transport workers in Shanghai, China with towers of merchandise lashed to the backs of bikes, such that you have no idea how they're even upright. Click the picture to see more, including stacks of furniture, flowers and more.