Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

You must have an independent reading book every day. If you are getting close to the end of one, have the next one at school and ready to go. Math: 7th & 8th Grade:
  • Due Mon., 11/2: Work on fundraiser wrapping paper sales this weekend.
Social Studies:
  • Due Mon. 11/2: Read "Two City-States" handout. Be ready for a quiz.
  • Due Tues., 11/3: Write a letter as a Spartan or Athenian. Detailed instructions are on the last page of the "Two City-States" handout.
  • None assigned
Language Arts:
  • Due Mon., 11/2: Familiarize yourself with the cast of characters given for Odyssey, part 1 and scenes from th Odyssey. Have the form in your LA binder for Monday.
  • Due Tues., 11/3: "Tell Me About Stress" sheet: Interview an adult.
    1. What are three things that cause stress for you?
    2. How can you tell when you have too much stress?
    3. What do you do to manage he stress in your life?
  • ¡Vengan todos a nuestra fiesta para El Día de los Muertos hoy a las 6 en el espacio de toda-escuela!
  • (Come to our party for Day of the Dead tonight at 6 in the All-School Space!)
Moment of Zen:
Read a traveler's reflection on celebrating El día de los Muertos in rural Mexico.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

You must have an independent reading book every day. If you are getting close to the end of one, have the next one at school and ready to go. Math: 7th Grade:
  • Due Fri., 10/30: Complete #1 on p. 42 of CMP book, answers in complete, edited sentences. Show work.
8th Grade:
  • Due Fri., 10/30: Complete #18 on p.30 of CMP book. You will need graph paper.
Social Studies:
  • Due Fri., 10/30: Your topic for Independent Study about Greece with reasons. The topic must connect clearly to what we have been studying together and can include the areas of Drama, History, Politics, Cultural Life (education, trades, economic life), Philosophy, Military, Democracy/Politics. As you think of a possible topic, consider:
    • Does this topic connect clearly to what we have studied?
    • Something that is important about the topic (an important question that arose for you, for example, as we were looking at the way democracy working in Ancient Athens)
    • How you will present this information, so as to teach others about what you have learned.
    • The particular think I find important or especially interesting about this topic that I would like to share with others is:
    • The way I'm thinking about presenting this information is (for example, model, poster, powerpoint, drawing, large map, simple game, etc.):
  • Due Fri., 10/30: Summarize Eratosthenes's method of calculating the circumference of the Earth and copy diagram.
Language Arts:
  • Due Fri., 10/30: Chapter 11 in Goddess of Yesterday
    • Read Ch. 11 (19 p.)
    • Be ready for a quiz on the chapter.
    • On the index card provided, write an edited question which you would like discussed in class and an accurately copied short passage from the chapter itself upon which you want to focus.
Spanish: Come to our celebration for El Día de los Muertos tomorrow (Fri., 10/30) at 6 PM in the All-School Space. Bring a dish for pot luck!
  • Go through ofrenda checklist.
  • Permission slips for setup on Friday
Moment of Zen:
What's your caption?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You must have an independent reading book every day. If you are getting close to the end of one, have the next one at school and ready to go. Math: 7th & 8th Grade:
  • Due Thurs., 10/29:
    • Correct any errors from last week's MM (Term 1, Ex. 5) on white, lined paper.
    • Complete Math's Mate, Term 1, Ex. 6. Show your work for problems marked with * on the same white, lined paper you used to show your corrections from last week.
Social Studies:
  • Due Thurs., 10/29: Number the Persian War events on the sheet from class today 1-12 in chronological order.
  • Due Fri., 10/30: Your topic for Independent Study about Greece with reasons. The topic must connect clearly to what we have been studying together and can include the areas of Drama, History, Politics, Cultural Life (education, trades, economic life), Philosophy, Military, Democracy/Politics. As you think of a possible topic, consider:
    • Does this topic connect clearly to what we have studied?
    • Something that is important about the topic (an important question that arose for you, for example, as we were looking at the way democracy working in Ancient Athens)
    • How you will present this information, so as to teach others about what you have learned.
    • The particular think I find important or especially interesting about this topic that I would like to share with others is:
    • The way I'm thinking about presenting this information is (for example, model, poster, powerpoint, drawing, large map, simple game, etc.):
Language Arts:
  • Due Fri., 10/30: Chapter 11 in Goddess of Yesterday
    • Read Ch. 11 (19 p.)
    • Be ready for a quiz on the chapter.
    • On the index card provided, write an edited question which you would like discussed in class and an accurately copied short passage from the chapter itself upon which you want to focus.
  • Go through ofrenda checklist.
  • Permission slips for setup on Friday
Moment of Zen:
This tomato looks like a duck. Hidden ducks are everywhere. Find them at

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

You must have an independent reading book every day. If you are getting close to the end of one, have the next one at school and ready to go. Math: 7th & 8th Grade:
  • None assigned
Social Studies:
  • Due Wed., 10/28: Write two ¶ based on "The Ring of Gyges."
    • Part 1 (one ¶): If you had such a ring, how would you use its power.
    • Part 2 (one ¶): Do you agree with this opinion: "People, left to themselves, would act without concern for others; the only reason a person acts for good is because he or she can't get away with doing evil, or doing whatever he or she might want to do."
  • Due Fri., 10/30: Your topic for Independent Study about Greece with reasons. The topic must connect clearly to what we have been studying together and can include the areas of Drama, History, Politics, Cultural Life (education, trades, economic life), Philosophy, Military, Democracy/Politics. As you think of a possible topic, consider:
    • Does this topic connect clearly to what we have studied?
    • Something that is important about the topic (an important question that arose for you, for example, as we were looking at the way democracy working in Ancient Athens)
    • How you will present this information, so as to teach others about what you have learned.
    • The particular think I find important or especially interesting about this topic that i would like to share with others is:
    • The way I'm thinking about presenting this information is (for example, model, poster, powerpoint, drawing, large map, simple game, etc.):
  • Due :
Language Arts:
  • Nothing new assigned
  • Due Wed., 10/28: For Chapter 10 in Goddess of Yesterday:
    • Read Ch. 10 (16 pages).
    • Be ready for a quiz.
    • Journal Entry: Write an edited poem of at least 10 lines (the ones you skip don't count) that expresses what life was like for any of the following characters in Ch. 10: Anaxandra, Pleis, Rhodea, Zanthus. Be ready to share your poem with the class.
  • Go through ofrenda checklist.
  • Permission Slips
  • This Wednesday, October 28, will be the first day for collection of money towards your $75 share of the DC trip. We are expecting about $10, but refer to the plan you made.
Moment of Zen:
Human Descent: Photoshop bringing together what nature never could

Monday, October 26, 2009

1 cm graph paper link

Apologies for continued trouble with getting a stable link to a .pdf of 1 cm graph paper. Please let me know if the current link doesn't work. Additionally, if you remove the portions of the URL after /graphpaper/, the site will let you generate your own graph paper based on measurements you provide. This may prove useful for your own purposes or for future use. They also will generate other kinds of paper forms like paper with music staves.

Monday, October 26, 2009

You must have an independent reading book every day. If you are getting close to the end of one, have the next one at school and ready to go. Math:
  • All: Make sure you have all materials for math class:
    • Ruler
    • colored pencils
    • calculator
    • textbook
  • 7th Grade:
    • Due Tue., 10/27: Read & do "Think About This" questions about bike tour cost planning on p. 36 of CMP book. Write in complete, edited sentences (you may make a list for the first question). Be thoughtful in your estimates- maybe look up real life data on which to base them. Be ready to share tomorrow.
  • 8th Grade:
    • Due Tue., 10/27: Complete #9 on p. 162 (handout). Write edited responses in complete sentences to 9b on the back of the paper. You will need graph paper.
Social Studies:
  • None assigned
  • Optional: Complete sheet begun today about Thales method of estimating heights by using shadows and ratios.
Language Arts:
  • Due Wed., 10/28: For Chapter 10 in Goddess of Yesterday:
    • Read Ch. 10 (16 pages).
    • Be ready for a quiz.
    • Journal Entry: Write an edited poem of at least 10 lines (the ones you skip don't count) that expresses what life was like for any of the following characters in Ch. 10: Anaxandra, Pleis, Rhodea, Zanthus. Be ready to share your poem with the class.
  • Get a picture of the person who you are honoring on your ofrenda.
  • This Wednesday, October 28, will be the first day for collection of money towards your $75 share of the DC trip. We are expecting about $10, but refer to the plan you made.
Moment of Zen: