Friday, December 20, 2013

Due Thursday, Jan 2, 2014
Genetic techniques:
Pro or Con speech graphic organizer(shared with you today), completed
and shared with me!

Email me with any questions or difficulties,
and I'll direct you.

Have a great holiday everybody! - John

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

General Announcments:
  • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
  • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE.
  • This Friday, December 20, is a half day. All students will be dismissed at 12:30. The annual Solstice Celebration, including the Mummers' Play, will begin at 11 am. All Hilltown families are welcome to attend!
  • 7th Grade:
    • Calculate the average for each of your chosen chair measurements,from the data gathered
      today in class. Next step: drawing a prototype chair, incorporating the design ideas of your group.
  • 8th Grade:
      Grace's Group:
      • Complete 2.5 Practice A, if not already done.
      John's Group:
      • Text., p. 414, 1-7, 39, 44
  • Read your novel of choice. Book review due Jan. 2.
  • Due ASAP: Your interactive DC map Prezi, if not already shared. Make sure your Prezi meets all of the requirements outlined here. Share with and send me an email if you have questions about Prezi, Dropbox, or the project.
  • 7th Grade:
    • earphones
    • Subject pronoun hoja
  • 8th Grade:
    • earphones
    • Proyecto
  • complete the "baby giraffe" phenotype/genotype
    worksheet and sketch worked on in class today
  • For the Genetics research project, check the document
    I shared with you ( and which we began on Dec. 6), and continue your research
    for questions 3-4 (you should already have shared with me on Googledocs).
    Friday will be a research day, where you will generate the pros and cons of
    the technique you are researching, and form your own opinion about whether this
    technique should be promoted or not!
Moment of Zen: