- Friday PE: Wear or bring clothes/shoes to move in indoors.
- If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
- Due Fri., 2/8: Finish draft of essay on Music and Apartheid in South Africa and share with Beth on Google Docs.
- Big Ideas Math Website: choose your color/name of book.
- Graph paper link on the sidebar → Grade 7
- Due Fri., 2/8:
- Level 1: textbook, p. 260, #6-14; R & P journal, p. 144 A-B
- Level 2: Look over examples in 6.3, p. 266, #1-7, 10, 12, and either 15-24 OR 15-19 and challenge problem on handout.
Grade 8
- Due Fri., 2/8: textbook, second page of Chapter 6, "What You Learned Before"
- Due Fri., 2/8: Read Discovery Kids magazine about atoms and do exercises on separate paper.
- Due Thurs., 2/7: Those who have still not had their recorder song approved need to be ready to perform tomorrow. Everyone needs to bring their recorder and music folder.
Grade 7
- Grade 8
- Due Mon., 2/11: 80 notecards (total) on topic due.
Moment of Zen