Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday, April 4, 2013

General Announcent:
  • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
  • Fridays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE.
  • Grade 8: Outline of proposal and rough draft due Monday, 4/8
  • Grado 7: Outline due Wednesday, 4/3. When the outline is done, send it to Anna at and begin rough draft.
  • All: Finish your novel by 4/11 (Thursday)
  • Todos: Study for test on Hinduism and geography of South Asia (Friday., 4/5)
  • Big Ideas Math Website: Choose your level/color
  • Grade 7:
    • Due Fri., 4/5:
      • Level 1: textbook, p. 314, #7-12; p. 320, 11, 12, 14
    • Grade 8
    • Nothing:
    • Due Wed., 4/3: All text and pictures completed, edited and printed.
      Grade 7:
    • Grade 8
    • Due Thurs., 4/4: Practice "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and, if you're playing recorder for the Renaissance dance, practice your part for this also.
    • Practice your other recorder song, if still necessary.
    • If you've lost or are confused by your music, see this Google Doc which contains the sheet music and links to Soundcloud to recordings of the music you can play along with.
    8th Grade Project:
    • Due Mon., 4/8: Proposal outline and rough draft
    Momiento de Zen

    Tuesday, April 2, 2013

    Tuesday, April 2, 2013

    General Announcent:
    • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
    • Fridays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE.
    • Grade 8: Outline of proposal and rough draft due Monday, 4/8
    • Grado 7: Outline due Wednesday, 4/3. When the outline is done, send it to Anna at and begin rough draft.
    • All: Finish your novel by 4/11 (Thursday)
    • Todos: Study for test on Hinduism and geography of South Asia (Friday., 4/5)
  • Big Ideas Math Website: Choose your level/color
  • Grade 7:
    • Nada
    • Grade 8
    • Nothing:
    • Due Wed., 4/3: All text and pictures completed, edited and printed.
      Grade 7:
    • Grade 8
    • Due Thurs., 4/4: Practice "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and, if you're playing recorder for the Renaissance dance, practice your part for this also.
    • Practice your other recorder song, if still necessary.
    • If you've lost or are confused by your music, see this Google Doc which contains the sheet music and links to Soundcloud to recordings of the music you can play along with.
    8th Grade Project:
    • Due Mon., 4/8: Proposal outline and rough draft
    Momiento de Zen

    Tortoise Cozies

    They're not quite as cute as penguin sweaters, but they come pretty darn close.

    Monday, April 1, 2013

    Lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

    Anuncios generales:
    • Si note algo que falta o algo incorrecto aquí, haz un comentario abajo. No sé siempre de todo. -Grace
    • Viernes: Lleva ropas cómodas en que se puede moverse.
    • Grado 7:
    • Grado 8: Esquema de propuesta y borrador de papel para el lunes., 4/8
    • Grado 7:Esquema para el miércoles, 4/3. Cuándo la esquema está completa, mandala a Anna a y comienza la borrador.
    • Todos: Completar su novela para el 11 de abril (jueves)
    • Todos: Estudiar para una prueba sobre el hinduismo y la geografía del Asia del sud (vier., 4/5)
  • Sitio de Matematicas de Ideas Grades: Elegir su nivel/color
  • Grado 7:
    • Nivel 1: Para el mar., 4/2: Completa todas las preguntas en la hoja sobre el pirámide.
    • Nivel 2: Para el mar., 4/2: Texto, p. 308-309, #2-5, 9-17, 19
    • Grade 8
    • Para mar., 4/2: Completa las hojas que recibieron en clase sobre area de figuros tridimensional.
    • Para el mier., 4/3: Todo el texto y todas las imagenes para su presentación, editados y impresos.
    Испански Язык:
      7-ой класс: вторник, 4/2 Сказка кошки - перезаписать сказку.
    • 8-ой класс вторник, 4/2 Перечитать гл. 4. Создавать 8 вопросы (с ответами) о главе.
    • Para jue., 4/4: Practicar "El león ya se duerme" y, si toque el flautín para la baila del renascimiento, practica su línea para esta también.
    • Practica la otra canción de flautín, si ya no está completa
    • Si haya perdido su música o si estés confusad@, mira esta Google Doc que tiene la música y cadenas a SoundCloud con grabaciones.
    Proyecto de grado 8:
    • Para lun., 4/8: Esquema de propuesta y borrador de papel.
    Momiento de Zen

    Algunos chistes, queremos que sean de verdad...