Welcome to the Prisms Homework Blog!
Assignments are "due next class" unless another date is specified. We attempt to update HW Blog by 4:00 pm weekdays.
- Continue working on presentation outline
- LIT-READ and be ready to discuss by Thurs. 5/19
"Absolutely True Diary..." pg. 118-178
"All American Boys" pg. 163-216
- finish any owed work
Math (8th):
- finish any owed work
Rachel's grade and homework page is here
Math (Grace)
TECH (Grace)
- Complete 1 design log for each test you did
- none UNLESS you don't finish Freeman's Bureau assignment in class
Spanish (7th)
- Pobre Ana 4
- Comida/gustar y encanta y preguntas 5/24
- Worksheet
- el preterito ar/er/
"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.... All his life has he looked away...to the future, to the horizon. -Yoda