Welcome to the Prisms Homework Blog!
Assignments are "due next class" unless another date is specified.
- 7TH: First half of rough draft due Tues. 3/22
- LIT: 2 Poems rough drafts due Thursday 3/10 (Must include 3 out of the 4 of the following: repeating line, word play, imagery, contrast)
- Math (7th):
Histogram Handout
Pages 358-259 #4-7, 9, 10, 13
Math (8th):
Pages #374-375 #3-33 odd
Rachel's grade and homework page is here
Math (Grace)
Finish Reverse the Roof Side 2
TECH (Grace)
- Reminder! Field Study: Holyoke Canal System tomorrow Thursday March 10, 2016
- Optional Chicken Article
- SIT page
Spanish (7th)
- Two-sided worksheets (verbs)
Spanish (8th)
- Watch Senor Wooly + write down chores
Now it's time for the Nerdy Quote of the Day! How can we apply this timeless message to our homework?
: )
"Laurie, remember to press "publish" on the Homework Blog ." -Arianna, Prisms