Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thursday, November 10

Homework is due next class unless otherwise noted

Math 7 and 8
Click HERE to go to the math site.
Choose your Class, 7 or 8 on the left. Then choose Assignments/Tasks for your homework.

Language Arts

Read The Book Thief to page 307. 
Read The Wave finish book.
Due Monday 11/14 for group A.
Due Tuesday 11/15 for groups B,C,&D.

Study the map of Europe. Add the bodies of water to your list and map.
Map quiz on Tuesday, 11/15.

Bring in supplies for your solar cooker for Monday,  11/14. 
Heat Transfer Unit Quiz on Friday 11/18.

7th: Calendario paquette
8th: Pirates, 3 & 4 y preguntas 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Homework is due next class unless otherwise noted

Math 7 and 8
Click HERE to go to the math site.
Choose your Class, 7 or 8 on the left. Then choose Assignments/Tasks for your homework.

Language Arts

Read The Book Thief to page 307. 
Read The Wave finish book.
Due Monday 11/14 for group A.
Due Tuesday 11/15 for groups B,C,&D.

Study the map of Europe.
Map quiz on Tuesday, 11/15.

Copy all of the class conclusions on to your connections page for Thursday, 11/10
Bring in supplies for your solar cooker for Monday,  11/14. 
Unit Quiz on Friday 11/18.

8th: Pirates, 3 & 4 y preguntas 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tuesday November, 8

Homework is due next class unless otherwise noted

Math 7 and 8
Click HERE to go to the math site.
Choose your Class, 7 or 8 on the left. Then choose Assignments/Tasks for your homework.

Quiz tomorrow, Wednesday 11/9

Language Arts
7th grade: Response about Nazi youth due Wednesday, November 9

Read The Book Thief to page 307. 
Read The Wave finish book.
Due Monday 11/14 for group A.
Due Tuesday 11/15 for groups B,C,&D.

Study the map of Europe.
Map quiz on Tuesday, 11/15.

Unit Quiz on Monday 11/14.

8th: Pirates, 3 & 4 y preguntas 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday, November 7, 2016

Homework is due next class unless otherwise noted

Math 7 and 8
Click HERE to go to the math site.
Choose your Class, 7 or 8 on the left. Then choose Assignments/Tasks for your homework.
Pow 7 due next Monday, 11/7
Next quiz is on Wednesday 11/9

Language Arts
7th grade: Response about Nazi youth due Wednesday, November 9

Read The Book Thief to page 261. 
Read The Wave chapters 1-12.
Due Monday 11/7 for group A.
Due Tuesday 11/8 for groups B,C,&D.

Final Mind Map due on Tuesday, 11/8.

Personal review of convection on page 46 due Tuesday, November 8.

7th: Numeros due Tuesday, November 8
8th: Pirates, 1+2 y preguntas due Tuesday, November 8