Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

General Announcements:
  • Friday, 1/8: 6-7-8 Dance, 8-11 PM!
    • Decoration committee meets 3-4 and must arrange own pickup at 4
    • Food committee meets at 7:45 in All-School space.
    Last day to comment with music requests!
  • You must have an independent reading book every day. If you are getting close to the end of one, have the next one at school and ready to go.
  • 7th Grade:
    • Due Fri., 1/8: Complete #10 and #11 of p. 15 of CMP book. Be sure to answer the questions — or do explanations — by restating the question in the answer. You will need graph paper and your cut-out tiles to model the designs.
  • 8th Grade:
    • Due Fri., 1/8: Connections Problems on pgs. 74-75: Finish # 28 and do #29. You will need graph paper.
Social Studies:
  • None assigned
  • Due Fri., 1/8: Read in Physical Science textbook:
    1. pgs. 327-329 (Chap. 15)
    2. pgs. 356-362 (Chap. 17)
Language Arts:
  • Due Fri., 1/8: Complete Lesson 2 in Grammar (singular, plural and collective nouns).
Moment of Zen:

The Ferrari of Toilets?

A friend of mine who studied in Japan for a year of college came back talking about the remarkable high-end toilet showrooms in the country. The toilets came with such features as seat heaters, water sounds and deodorizing misters, to name a few. This article from the excellent urban design blog Design Linguist, describes further and puts in context the supertoilets of Japan.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

General Announcements:
  • Friday, 1/8: 6-7-8 Dance, 8-11 PM! Decoration committee meets 3-4 and must arrange own pickup at 4, Food committee meets at 7:45 in All-School space. Comment with music requests!
  • You must have an independent reading book every day. If you are getting close to the end of one, have the next one at school and ready to go.
  • 7th & 8th Grade:
    • Due Thurs., 1/7: Continue working on Math League from class today for 20 min. beyond what was completed in class. Show all work on separate paper. Do not skip any problems - you must attempt each, and show some work towards that attempt.
Social Studies:
  • None assigned
  • Due Fri., 1/8: Read in Physical Science textbook:
    1. pgs. 327-329 (Chap. 15)
    2. pgs. 356-362 (Chap. 17)
Language Arts:
  • Due Thurs., 1/7: Complete Lesson 1: Common nouns and proper nouns according to directions.
Moment of Zen:
Bears Go Bald at Zoo; Experts Stumped (from National Geographic)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Note: today's homework blog post may be incomplete. Please check with someone in the class if you are unclear. - Grace

General Announcements:
  • You must have an independent reading book every day. If you are getting close to the end of one, have the next one at school and ready to go.
  • Wed., 1/6: Next installment of Field Trip Money due ($20)
  • Friday, 1/8: 6-7-8 Dance, 8-11 PM! Decoration committee meets 3-4 and must arrange own pickup at 4, Food committee meets at 7:45 in All-School space. Comment with music requests!
  • 7th Grade:
    • Due Wed., 1/6:Complete 1.3 and Follow-Up on pp.10-11 of CMP book. Use a ruler to create an eye-pleasing table into which you will record your data.
  • 8th Grade:
    • Due Wed., 1/6: Complete #24, 25, 26, and 27 beginning on p.73. Be certain to organize your work so it is clear to the reader. Be certain to provide complete explanations for how you arrived at your answers.
Social Studies: Science:
  • Due Wed., 1/6: In Physical Science textbook, read pgs. 317-324. Quiz on vocab/Inner Planets this Wed., 1/6.
    • Group 2 has books tonight (Tues. 1/5).
Language Arts:
  • Due :
  • 7th Grade:
  • 8th Grade:
    Moment of Zen:
    The noble leukocyte (or white blood cell), as immortalized by the folks at Giant Microbes. They also have adorable plushies of many disease-causing microorganisms, but this is the little guy who fights them back. The site also has a cute animation of the fightin' leukocyte. See you tomorrow, folks.

    Monday, January 4, 2010

    Monday, January 4, 2010

    General Announcements:
    • You must have an independent reading book every day. If you are getting close to the end of one, have the next one at school and ready to go.
    • Wed., 1/6: Next installment of Field Trip Money due ($20)
    • Friday, 1/8: 6-7-8 Dance, 8-11 PM! Decoration committee meets 3-4 and must arrange own pickup at 4, Food committee meets at 7:45 in All-School space. Comment with music requests!
    • 7th & 8th Grade:
      • Due Tue., 1/5: Math's Mates 2.3, begun in class today, with work for * problems shown on a separate piece of paper and corrections for 2.2 on same piece of paper.
    Social Studies:
    • Due Tues., 1/5:
      • Sort all notes and assignments by date, least recent on top.
      • 3-hole punch all papers not punched and fasten in folder. If your folder has a pocket, you may put your test in the pocket instead of hole-punching and fastening in.
      • Glue stick cover to folder.
    • Due Wed., 1/6: In Physical Science textbook, read pgs. 317-324. Quiz on vocab/Inner Planets this Wed., 1/6.
      • Group 1 has books tonight (Mon. 1/4).
      • Group 2 has books tomorrow night (Tues. 1/5).
    Language Arts:
    • Due Tues., 1/5: In LA journal, write a five-sentence paragraph in which you describe the Prism lunchroom today. Try to create the atmosphere/mood of the lunchroom by using some of the writer tools we discussed in class today (e.g. dialogue, imagery, details). Refer to the definition of mood in your LA journal.
    • 7th Grade:
    • 8th Grade:
      Moment of Zen:
      The Flaming Lips have been balancing playfully on the edge of ultracool and insane, pop and noise since forming in 1983, with a penchant for turning the absurd into something matter of fact (see 2002's "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots" suite and 1999's "Waiting for Superman") and the everyday into the sublime ("Suddenly, Everything Has Changed"), and for unique reinventions of form (see the experimental 1997 album Zaireeka, comprised of four CDs meant to be played simultaneously at the listener's discrection). Following from their whimsical take on reality comes one of lead singer Wayne Coyne's most recent creations, pictured above, a double-necked guitar where one of the necks is a Guitar Hero controller, linked to a type of synthesizer on the body of the instrument. Click the picture for more info on this unique hybrid instrument.