Friday, February 10, 2017

Friday, February 10, 2017

Homework is due next class unless otherwise noted

Math 7 and 8
Click HERE to go to the math site.
Choose your Class, 7 or 8 on the left. Then choose Assignments/Tasks for your homework.
Quiz Monday, 2/13 for 7th and 8th grade.
POW #15 due Monday, 2/13.

Language Arts
7th:  Green Fair 45 notecards due Monday, 2/13.
8th:  100 note cards due Monday, 2/13. 

7th and 8th: 
Finish your novel! Chain of Fire, or Cry, The Beloved Country. 
Due A, Monday, 1/30; BCD, Tuesday, 1/31.



7th:  Continue working on proyecto
8th: Worksheet, "similar and different sentences."

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Homework is due next class unless otherwise noted

Math 7 and 8
Click HERE to go to the math site.
Choose your Class, 7 or 8 on the left. Then choose Assignments/Tasks for your homework.
Quiz tomorrow, 2/9 for 7th and 8th grade.
POW #15 due Monday, 2/13.

Language Arts
7th:  Green Fair 45 notecards due Friday 2/10. 
8th:  Second mentor meeting by 2/9.
Preliminary outline due Friday, 2/10. 
100 note cards due Monday, 2/13. 

7th and 8th: 
Finish your novel! Chain of Fire, or Cry, The Beloved Country. 
Due A, Monday, 1/30; BCD, Tuesday, 1/31.


Read pages 696-698 of your packet for Friday, 2/10. 

7th:  Proyecto: put down info into bullet points. 
8th: Check email para preguntas sobre la pelicula. 

Coffee House
Due Thursday: All props and costumes due at school! Large items delivered directly to Smith. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday, February 6, 2017

Homework is due next class unless otherwise noted

Math 7 and 8
Click HERE to go to the math site.
Choose your Class, 7 or 8 on the left. Then choose Assignments/Tasks for your homework.
POW #15 due Monday, 2/13.

Language Arts
7th:  Green Fair 45 notecards due Friday 2/10. 
8th:  90 note cards due Monday, 2/6, second mentor meeting by 2/9.

7th and 8th: 
Read your new novel:
Chain of Fire, chpt. 16-24.
Cry, The Beloved Country, chpt 18-29.
Due A, Monday, 1/30; BCD, Tuesday, 1/31.


Personal review on page 90 due Tuesday, 2/6.

7th:  Proyecto: put down info into bullet points. 
8th: Check email para preguntas sobre la pelicula. 

Coffee House
Due Tuesday: Your craft is due! Bring it to the science lab. If it is a perishable good, it is due Thursday, February 9.

Due Thursday: All props and costumes due at school! Large items delivered directly to Smith.