Welcome to the Prisms Homework Blog!
Assignments are "due next class" unless another date is specified.
- 8TH: detailed outline and notes due Tues 3/1
- 7TH: first half of rough draft due Tues 3/1 (750 words)
- Poetry Free Write due 3/4 Thursday
- Have your craft and practice Coffee House acts!
- Math (7th):
Finish Handout 7.3
Math (8th):
Rachel's grade and homework page is here
Math (Grace)
"This is When the Magic Happens" triangle puzzle
TECH (Grace)
- Calculate power of water wheel turns OR write what happened/results of test due Friday 2/26
- "Mill Girls of Lowell" Benefit/Curse Chart due Monday 2/29
Spanish (7th)
- er verbos paquete
Spanish (8th)
- paquete da preposiciones
Now it's time for the Force Friday Quote of the Day! How can we apply this timeless message to our homework?
: )
"Your focus determines your reality."
-Qui-Gon Jinn