- If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
- Hip Hop PE Thursdays from now until the beginning of May. Wear or bring clothes you can dance in and sneakers.
- Due Fri., 3/23: Finish reading Lyddie and complete reading log. 7th Grade Research Paper
- Due Wed., 3/14: Entire rough draft due
- Deadlines for 7th Grade Abolitionist Research Paper (updated 1/31)
- Graph paper link on the sidebar →
Grade 7 - Due Tues., 3/20: p. 27, #6-9, 13 Grade 8
- Due Tues., 3/20: p. 52, #4, 5, 8 Algebra B
- Math's Mates Test TBA
- Due Wed., 3/14: Read "The Mill as a System" and answer questions 1-3 on lined paper.
8th Grade Project:
- Tue., 3/20: another meeting with mentor
- Tue.-Th., 3/20-22: defend your research (John or Beth will ask you questions and you show you are an expert) & work on project proposal Complete list of project due dates (as of 1/25) here.
We will be visiting the Lowell Mills on Thursday, March 15th. All students must be at school at 6:30am. We will return around 5:15pm. Students need to bring a lunch that does not need to be heated, as well as a water bottle (Blue House lunches will NOT be available).
Moment of Zen