General Announcments:
- If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
- Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
- 7th Grade:
- Due Thur., 11/14:
- Practice simplifying algebraic expressions by identifying, and combining like terms:
- p.81A, 1-6
- All: PoW due Mon., 11/21.
- 8th Grade:
Grace's Group
- Due Fri., 11/15: Complete all parts slope-intercept packet, if not completed in class already.
John's Group
- Due THursday: This week's PoW completed by tomorrow
- Quiz on multiple techniques for graphing linear equations
- is this FRIDAY
- Study for test Friday. Review packet due tomorrow.
- Research one issue to change the world (due Friday)
- Due Friday, Nov 15
- Your written summary (minimum 200 words, handwritten or typed) of the Process for making Rock candy
- Use your outline given preapred in class to summarize the process and explain the reason(s) why sugar crystals developed on the skewer over time; include a colored illustration of this activity as part of your summary!:
- 7th Grade:
- earphones
- hoja de trabajo
Moment of Zen:
Iceland's Elf School
General Announcments:
- If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
- Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
- 7th Grade:
- Due Thur., 11/14:
- Practice simplifying algebraic expressions by identifying, and combining like terms:
- p.81A, 1-6
- All: PoW due Mon., 11/21.
- 8th Grade:
Grace's Group
- Due Thurs., 11/14: handout, p. 33, a-d. Graph equation, find slope and y-intercept (y-value when line crosses y-axis).
John's Group
- Due THursday: This week's PoW completed by tomorrow
- Quiz on multiple techniques for graphing linear equations
- is this FRIDAY
- Study for test Friday. Review packet due tomorrow.
- Research one issue to change the world (due Friday)
- Due Friday, Nov 15
- Your written summary (minimum 200 words, handwritten or typed) of the Process for making Rock candy
- Use your outline given preapred in class to summarize the process and explain the reason(s) why sugar crystals developed on the skewer over time; include a colored illustration of this activity as part of your summary!:
- 7th Grade:
- earphones
- hoja de trabajo
Moment of Zen:
3D Printing Prosthetic Hands
General Announcments:
- If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
- Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
- 7th Grade:
- Due Wed., 11/13:
- L2textbook, p. 86, #13-17 odd, 19, 24, 25, 36, 40
- L1 textbook, p.86, #7-11(odd), 18,26, 30
- All: PoW due Mon., 11/21.
- 8th Grade:
Grace's Group
- Due Wed., 11/13: textbook, p. 59-60, #7-12, 15-18 (don't graph), 22
John's Group
- Due Wed., 11/13: Complete 2.3B, Read PoW
Moment of Zen: