Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thursday, December 1

Homework is due next class unless otherwise noted
Grades close this week, finish all incomplete work.

Math 7 and 8
Click HERE to go to the math site.
Choose your Class, 7 or 8 on the left. Then choose Assignments/Tasks for your homework.
Check online for missing homework, complete and hand in to Rachel by Thursday.
POW #9 is due Monday 12/5.
The next quiz will be on Wednesday, 12/7.

7th grade: Work on your profession project. Complete up through #7.

Language Arts
Complete any past due writing assignments by Friday.

Read The Book Thief finish book. 
Read The Wave finish book.
Due Monday 12/5 for group A.
Due Tuesday 12/6 for groups B,C,&D.

Finish your document, annotate and answer all questions. Due Friday

New SL cards are due Monday, 12/5. 
Bring in a tin can!!!!

7th: 10 True or False statements @ Documentary, due Tuesday 12/6.
8th: Piratas 7

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Homework is due next class unless otherwise noted
Grades close this week, finish all incomplete work.

Math 7 and 8
Click HERE to go to the math site.
Choose your Class, 7 or 8 on the left. Then choose Assignments/Tasks for your homework.
Check online for missing homework, complete and hand in to Rachel by Thursday.
POW #9 is due Monday 12/5.
The next quiz will be on Wednesday, 12/7.

7th grade: Work on your project. Choose a profession and a salary for Thursday, 12/1.

Language Arts
Complete any past due writing assignments.

Read The Book Thief finish book. 
Read The Wave finish book.
Due Monday 12/5 for group A.
Due Tuesday 12/6 for groups B,C,&D.

Read and Annotate "Discovery of Anne Frank's hiding place", answer 3 questions. Due Thursday, December 1.

New SL cards are due Monday, 12/5. 

7th: traduce for Thursday 12/1
8th: Piratas 7, study vocab chpt 1-6, Quiz on Thursday 12/1

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday, November 29

Homework is due next class unless otherwise noted
Grades close this week, finish all incomplete work.

Math 7 and 8
Click HERE to go to the math site.
Choose your Class, 7 or 8 on the left. Then choose Assignments/Tasks for your homework.

Check online for missing homework, complete and hand in to Rachel by Thursday.
POW #9 is due Monday 12/5.
The next quiz will be on Wednesday, 12/7.

Language Arts
Complete any past due writing assignments.

Read The Book Thief finish book. 
Read The Wave finish book.
Due Monday 12/5 for group A.
Due Tuesday 12/6 for groups B,C,&D.

Read and Annotate "Discovery of Anne Frank's hiding place", answer 3 questions.

Complete analysis questions from Tuesday's Demo.
For Wednesday 11/30: Bring in either a soda can, soup can, or bean can for class!
New SL cards are due Monday, 12/5. 

7th: traduce
8th: Piratas 7, study vocab chpt 1-6, Quiz on Thursday 12/1

Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday November 27, 2016

Homework is due next class unless otherwise noted

Math 7 and 8
Click HERE to go to the math site.
Choose your Class, 7 or 8 on the left. Then choose Assignments/Tasks for your homework.
POW #9 is due Monday 12/5.
The next quiz will be on Wednesday, 12/7.

Language Arts
8th Grade - Finish analysis of "Mountains of Shoes" if you did not finish yet!  
7th grade - Finish your analysis of Crystal Night poem if you did not finish yet!

Read The Book Thief to page 455. 
Read The Wave finish book.
Due Monday 11/21 for group A.
Due Tuesday 11/22 for groups B,C,&D.

Complete Handout #4 questions 1-3 for Tuesday, November 29.

Complete weather observations "factors/evidence" table, due Tuesday, 11/29. 
For Wednesday 11/30: Bring in either a soda can, soup can, or bean can for class!
New SL cards are due Monday, 12/5. 

7th: no hay
8th: no hay