Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday, April 8, 2016

Welcome to the Prisms Homework Blog!

Assignments are "due next class" unless another date is specified.


  • 8th-Rough Draft due Tuesday 4/12
  • 7th-Outline and visuals for walking tour due Friday 4/8
  • Poetry Unit Assessment due Thursday 4/28
-Portfolio of Poems due Friday 4/29
-Revised Poem-goes on top!

    Math (7th):
    • Bring in clear rules to your game

    Math (8th):   

    • NONE

    Rachel's grade and homework page is here

    Math (Grace)

    • Attempt #12-19

    TECH (Grace)



    • NOTEBOOKS! T.O.C! Title Page! due Thursday 4/12

    •  Assessment due Monday 4/11-REVIEW SHEET!


    • Only Lincoln/candidates-write campaign speeches

    Spanish (7th)  

    • 1-2 dry erase markers-please bring in!
    • lectura y pregunta

      Spanish (8th)

      • 1-2 dry erase markers-please bring in!
      • termina el paquette

      Now it's time for the Force Friday Quote of the Day! How can we apply this timeless message to our homework? 

      : )

      "Sometimes we must let go of our pride and do what is requested of us."-Padme

      Thursday, April 7, 2016

      Thursday, April 7, 2016

      Welcome to the Prisms Homework Blog!

      Assignments are "due next class" unless another date is specified.


      • 8th-Rough Draft due Tuesday 4/12
      • 7th-Outline and visuals for walking tour due Friday 4/8
      • Poetry Unit Assessment due Thursday 4/28
      -Include Portfolio of Poems
      -Revised Poem

        Math (7th):
        • Bring in clear rules to your game

        Math (8th):   

        • Pg. 429 #3-12

        Rachel's grade and homework page is here

        Math (Grace)

        • Finish 9.3 back page 1-9  (except #2 and #8)

        TECH (Grace)



        • NOTEBOOKS! T.O.C! Title Page! due Thursday 4/12

        • Output Page  due Monday 4/4
        • Cartoon steps of how ice cream is made due Monday 4/4
        • different example of emulsion   due Monday 4/4
        • eat ice cream*


        • Revision of all articles due Friday 4/8
        • 1850's Timeline

        Spanish (7th)  

        • 1-2 dry erase markers-please bring in!
        • lectura y pregunta

          Spanish (8th)

          • 1-2 dry erase markers-please bring in!
          • termina el paquette

          Now it's time for the Nerdy Quote of the Day! How can we apply this timeless message to our homework? 

          : )

          “Words can be worrisome, people complex, motives and manners unclear. Grant her the wisdom to choose her path right, free from unkindness and fear.”
          Blueberry Girl by Neil Gaiman

          Wednesday, April 6, 2016

          Wednesday, April 6, 2016

          Welcome to the Prisms Homework Blog!

          Assignments are "due next class" unless another date is specified.


          • 8th Rough Draft due Tuesday 4/12
          • Final proposal due Thursday 4/7
          • LIT-One more poem due Thursday 4/7
          • 7th-Outline and visuals for walking tour due Friday 4/8

            Math (7th):
            • Bring in supplies to build and develop game. (Be able to play prototype.)

            Math (8th):   

            • Enrichment and Extension 8.3 Handout

            Rachel's grade and homework page is here

            Math (Grace)

            • Finish 9.3 back page 1-9  (except #2 and #8)

            TECH (Grace)



            • NOTEBOOKS! T.O.C! Title Page! due Thursday 4/12

            • Output Page  due Monday 4/4
            • Cartoon steps of how ice cream is made due Monday 4/4
            • different example of emulsion   due Monday 4/4
            • eat ice cream*


            • Ongoing newspaper revision
            • Revision of all articles due Friday 4/8
            • Dredd Scott Case Reading  due Thursday 4/7

            Spanish (7th)  

            • Self Description

              Spanish (8th)

              • Relfexivos 1/2 paquetto

              Now it's time for the Nerdy Quote of the Day! How can we apply this timeless message to our homework? 

              : )

              ► There’s nothing wrong with a life of peace and prosperity. I suggest you think about what it is that you want from your life, and why.  -Uncle Iroh (Avatar-The Last Airbender)

              Tuesday, April 5, 2016

              Tuesday, April 5, 2016

              Welcome to the Prisms Homework Blog!

              Assignments are "due next class" unless another date is specified.


              • 8th Rough Draft due Tuesday 4/12
              • Final proposal due Thursday 4/7
              • LIT-One more poem due Thursday 4/7

              Math (7th):
              • Practice Quiz pg. 423 ALL

              Math (8th):   

              • Page 412 

              Rachel's grade and homework page is here

              Math (Grace)

              • Finish 9.2 Packet through #4 on page 181 (pennies on crossboard) for Wed 4/6

              TECH (Grace)



              • NOTEBOOKS! T.O.C! Title Page! due Thursday 4/12

              • Output Page  due Monday 4/4
              • Cartoon steps of how ice cream is made due Monday 4/4
              • different example of emulsion   due Monday 4/4
              • eat ice cream*


              • Ongoing newspaper revision
              • Revision of all articles due Friday 4/8
              • Dredd Scott Case Reading  due Thursday 4/7

              Spanish (7th)  

              • Lectura
              • 3 paisies

                Spanish (8th)

                • tener paquette
                • last page

                Now it's time for the Nerdy Quote of the Day! How can we apply this timeless message to our homework? 

                : )

                “Watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”
                The Minpins by Roald Dahl