Welcome to the Prisms Homework Blog!
Assignments are "due next class" unless another date is specified.
- 8th-Rough Draft due Tuesday 4/12
- 7th-Outline and visuals for walking tour due Friday 4/8
- Poetry Unit Assessment due Thursday 4/28
-Revised Poem-goes on top!
Math (7th):
- Bring in clear rules to your game
Math (8th):
Rachel's grade and homework page is here
Math (Grace)
- Attempt #12-19
TECH (Grace)
- NOTEBOOKS! T.O.C! Title Page! due Thursday 4/12
- Assessment due Monday 4/11-REVIEW SHEET!
- Only Lincoln/candidates-write campaign speeches
Spanish (7th)
- 1-2 dry erase markers-please bring in!
- lectura y pregunta
Spanish (8th)
- 1-2 dry erase markers-please bring in!
- termina el paquette
Now it's time for the Force Friday Quote of the Day! How can we apply this timeless message to our homework?