Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010

General Announcements:
  • Citrus Sale! See details, access printable documents HERE
  • Read about the Prisms' ongoing observations in defining intelligent here.
  • We need tissues! Cold season is upon us and we need nice tissues for sore noses. If every Prism family donated one box of tissues, that would almost certainly get us through the worst of tissue season.
  • Fridays: Bring sneakers, clothes to run in and water bottle for Frisbee!
  • Grade 7 & 8:
    • Due Tues., 10/12: Complete MM 1.4 according to usual protocol, with work shown for * problems on separate paper and completing any attached n/a problems from 1.2.
Social Studies:
  • None
  • None
Language Arts:
  • Due Tues., 10/12: In an LA Journal entry develop the following topic sentence/position statement in a paragraph developed with evidence from the story. The paragraph should be about 200 words—about one page in the journal--: “A character that I truly admire in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry or "Marigolds" is __________________.” This is a legible first draft.
  • Grade 7:
    • Due Tues., 10/12:
  • Grade 8:
    • Due Tue., 10/12:
Moment of Zen

King of the Couch, King of the River

Steve Snell, a grad student in art at UMass, has been traveling the Connecticut River on his specially built couch boat. Click the picture above to read more about Snell, his work and his time on the river.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

General Announcements:
  • Citrus Sale! See details, access printable documents HERE
  • Read about the Prisms' ongoing observations in defining intelligent here.
  • We need tissues! Cold season is upon us and we need nice tissues for sore noses. If every Prism family donated one box of tissues, that would almost certainly get us through the worst of tissue season.
  • Fridays: Bring sneakers, clothes to run in and water bottle for Frisbee!
  • Grade 7:
    • Due Fri., 10/8:Read and complete 2.2 on p. 20. Be sure to meet the rubric criteria and show your current algebra understandings.
  • Grade 8:
    • Due Fri., 10/8: Read p. 19 and do 2.4 on p. 20 - A, C and D only. Meet the criteria on the rubric as well as accurately showing your current knowledge of algebra. You will need grid paper.
Social Studies:
  • None
  • None
Language Arts:
  • Due Fri., 10/8: Write your signature in cursive 10 times.
  • Grade 7:
    • Due Tues., 10/12:
  • Grade 8:
    • Due Tue., 10/12:
Moment of Zen
A visual guide to Wikipedia's lamest edit wars.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

General Announcements:
  • Citrus Sale! See details, access printable documents HERE
  • Read about the Prisms' ongoing observations in defining intelligent here.
  • We need tissues! Cold season is upon us and we need nice tissues for sore noses. If every Prism family donated one box of tissues, that would almost certainly get us through the worst of tissue season.
  • Fridays: Bring sneakers, clothes to run in and water bottle for Frisbee!
  • Grade 7:
    • Due Thurs., 10/7: Complete 2.1 on p.19. Remember to meet the criteria on the rubric and show your current understanding of algebra.
  • Grade 8:
    • Due Thurs., 10/7: Complete 2.2 on p.18 and 2.2 Follow-up on p.19. Meet the criteria on the rubric as well as accurately showing your current knowledge of algebra. You will need three different colored pencils and grid paper.
Social Studies:
  • Due Wed., 10/6: Complete survey of topic preferences with your reasons for your top 3.
  • Due Thurs., 10/7: Research/report on your assigned symbiotic organism pair: 1 ¶, complete sentences.
Language Arts:
  • Due Thurs., 10/7: Complete reading "Marigolds" and be ready for a quiz on the main ideas and details of the story.
  • Grade 7:
    • No hay tarea:
  • Grade 8:
    • Due Thurs., 10/7: Repaso del alfabeto: ¿Cómo se escribe tu nombre? Debe poder contarme. (Review of the alphabet: How is your name written? You should be able to tell me.)
Moment of Zen
The Earth and The Moon from 114 million miles away. We look like stars!

Citrus Sale!

The Prisms fundraiser selling navel oranges and pink grapefruit has begun! Some important dates to remember:
  • Wed., 10/27: All citrus orders and payments must be in at school.
  • Fri.-Mon., 11/19-11/22: Truckload delivery at school (we'll need many hands on deck unloading!)
  • Fri., 12/24: Direct-shipped "Holiday Gift" orders arrive by or on this date.
Downloadable citrus sale documents (right-click/ctrl-click to download): Suggested Selling Strategies:
  • Run a Stand in All-School space
  • Walk to neighbors' houses and ask nicely
  • Take orders outside stores/YMCA (ask inside first!)
  • Announcement at All-School
  • Call/Email Friends and Family (especially if you'll see them at Thanksgiving!)
  • Put up a poster (apartment complex, library, church, etc.)
  • Share on Facebook (use direct link, below)
  • Take the order forms with you everywhere
  • Ask coaches/teammates
  • Ask your parents to take it to work to sell to coworkers
Sharing online:
  • Share the direct URL for our sale, which is:
  • Add an html clickybutton somewhere (it will look like the grapefruit icon at the top of this post) by copying and pasting the following code: You can change the size of the icon by changing the number after "width" and the mouseover/alternate text by changing what's between the quotation marks after "alt".

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

General Announcements:
  • Read about the Prisms' ongoing observations in defining intelligent here.
  • We need tissues! Cold season is upon us and we need nice tissues for sore noses. If every Prism family donated one box of tissues, that would almost certainly get us through the worst of tissue season.
  • Fridays: Bring sneakers, clothes to run in and water bottle for Frisbee!
  • Grade 7:
    • Due Wed., 10/6: Read and do #4 Connections on pp. 12-13, #5 on p. 14 and #7.
  • Grade 8:
    • Due Wed., 10/6: Complete 2.1 and 2.1 Follow-Up on p. 17 of CMP book.
Social Studies:
  • Due Wed., 10/6: Complete survey of topic preferences with your reasons for your top 3.
  • Due Thurs., 10/7: Research/report on your assigned symbiotic organism pair: 1 ¶, complete sentences.
Language Arts:
  • Due Thurs., 10/7: Complete reading "Marigolds" and be ready for a quiz on the main ideas and details of the story.
  • Grade 7:
    • No hay tarea:
  • Grade 8:
    • Due Thurs., 10/7: Repaso del alfabeto: ¿Cómo se escribe tu nombre? Debe poder contarme. (Review of the alphabet: How is your name written? You should be able to tell me.)
  • Due Wed., 10/6: 12 in square observed self-portrait. Use black pencil.
Moment of Zen
Looks almost good enough to eat. Almost...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

General Announcements:
  • Read about the Prisms' ongoing observations in defining intelligent here.
  • We need tissues! Cold season is upon us and we need nice tissues for sore noses. If every Prism family donated one box of tissues, that would almost certainly get us through the worst of tissue season.
  • Fridays: Bring sneakers, clothes to run in and water bottle for Frisbee!
  • Grade 7 & 8:
    • None
Social Studies:
  • None
  • No homework
Language Arts:
  • Due Tues., 10/5: Complete all revisions to your 2-min speech about your summer reading project. Attach revised copy to first draft.
  • Grade 7:
    • Due Tues., 10/5: Cuentame de la familia de Ana en un párrafo. Puede ser en inglés o en espñol. (Tell me about Ana's family in one paragraphe. Can be in English or Spanish.
  • Grade 8:
    • None
  • Due Wed., 10/6: 12 in square observed self-portrait. Use black pencil.
Moment of Zen

Yup, that's a pancake.

Click the picture to see how it was put together and to see more pancake creations.