Friday, October 16, 2009

Math: 7th Grade:
  • Due Mon., 10/19: Complete 2.4 on p. 23-24 of CMP book. Follow directions, except, instead of just sketching the graph, actually make graph on graph paper. Write responses in complete, edited sentences. Show how you got your answer, including all calculations, even if done on a calculator.
8th Grade:
  • Due Mon., 10/19: Complete #13 (all parts) on p. 29 of CMP book (ACE section) according to directions. Write responses in complete, edited sentences. Show how you got your answer, including all calculations, even if done on a calculator. You will need graph paper.
Social Studies:
  • None assigned
  • None assigned
Language Arts:
  • Due Mon., 10/19:
    • Read chapters 5 and 6 of Goddess of Yesterday (30 pages).
    • Be ready for a quiz on the reading.
    • In your LA journal, write a one-page or more response that describes Helen as a person with certain personality/character traits. Be certain to provide evidence from Chapters 5 & 6 to support your descriptions of her. You may use the scoring rubric as a guide.
Moment of Zen: What's your caption for this picture?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Math: 7th Grade:
  • Due Fri., 10/16: Complete 2.3 on p. 22-23 of CMP book according to directions (note change in label for y-axis on handout to "distance from Lewes in miles"). Remember to answer in complete, edited sentences. Show all calculations. Avoid beginning sentences with pronouns unless its antecedent (the noun to which it refers) is in a prior sentence.
8th Grade:
  • Due Fri., 10/16: Complete 2.5 on p. 22 of CMP book according to directions. Write responses in complete, edited sentences. Avoid beginning sentences with pronouns unless its antecedent (the noun to which it refers) is in a prior sentence. You will need grid paper and two colored pencils.
Social Studies:
  • Due Fri., 10/16: Draw a Minoan motif on your notes about Minoan Crete.
  • Due Fri., 10/16: Write a two-paragraph summary of our pouch dyeing/making project and draw a color illustration of some part of the process.
Language Arts:
  • Due Fri., 10/16:
    • Read Ch. 4 of Goddess of Yesterday (15 pages).
    • Be sure to review Ch. 4 vocabulary.
    • Be ready for a quiz
    • Write an edited one-page journal entry starting from one of the following prompts:
      • "If I were Anaxandra in Chapter 4, I..."
      • "While reading Chapter 4, I had very strong feeling about..."
Spanish: Bring in boxes for your altar! Moment of Zen: Inner City Snail: Very Slow-Moving Street Art "No snails were harmed in this project, their homes were just vandalised."

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Math: 7th & 8th Grade:
  • Due Thurs., 10/15: On white, lined paper, correct/complete all problems that are marked incorrect/not done on Math's Mates Term 1, Sheet 4. DO NOT make corrections on the exercise sheet itself.
Social Studies:
  • Due Wed., 10/21: Finish sewing your pouch according to pattern handed out or your own pattern. You need to have at least 4 stitches/inch. Feel free to embellish your pouch as you wish (buttons, embroidery, shoulder strap, etc.).
Language Arts:
  • Due Thurs., 10/15: Review Ch. 3 in Goddess of Yesterday and be ready to share your entire journal entry with the class. Make sure you have evidence from the story to support your opinions. If necessary, glue Ch. 3 journal entry into LA journal.
  • Due Fri., 10/16:
    • Read Ch. 4 of Goddess of Yesterday (15 pages).
    • Be sure to review Ch. 4 vocabulary.
    • Be ready for a quiz
    • Write an edited one-page journal entry starting from one of the following prompts:
      • "If I were Anaxandra in Chapter 4, I..."
      • "While reading Chapter 4, I had very strong feeling about..."
Spanish: 7th Grade:
8th Grade:
Moment of Zen: The Dumbo or Vampire Octopus, Grimpoteuthis megaptera Yes, it is a real animal.