Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

General Announcements:
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • Half Day Tomorrow! (Wed., 11/24) - Because of the holiday, pickup for all students (including Prisms) will be at 12:30, and there will be no Homework Club. Please plan accordingly, and enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday!
  • We need tissues! Cold season is upon us and we need nice tissues for sore noses. If every Prism family donated one box of tissues, that would almost certainly get us through the worst of tissue season.

  • Nichts
Language Arts:
  • Rien

Social Studies:
  • Due Wed., 11/24:
    • Have at least one source about your Hindu god/goddess. Bring in the hard copy (book or printout) to John by 8:45 am.
    • Complete sketch of ATMAN-BRAHMAN with colored pencil.

  • ничего

  • Nada

Moment of Zen:

Squash Use #327: Thwarting Robbers

A would-be convenience store robber in Manchester, NH was undone when one of the store's customers bonked him over the head with a squash earlier this month. Click the picture above (Squash Use #164: Making Pictures of Dinosaurs) for more on this story.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

General Announcements:
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • We need tissues! Cold season is upon us and we need nice tissues for sore noses. If every Prism family donated one box of tissues, that would almost certainly get us through the worst of tissue season.

  • Test Tues., 11/23: Math's Mates Term 1 Test
  • Due Tues., 11/23:
    • Review Math's Mates sheets from the previous term, especially 1.5-1.8, as they will be very similar to your test tomorrow.
    • Complete 12.3 (third page in "Analyzing the Citrus Sale" packet), practicing finding percents of various numbers.
Language Arts:
  • Due Tues., 11/23: Have current independent reading book with you at all times and Reading Record form.

Social Studies:
  • Due Wed., 11/24: Have at least one source about your Hindu god/goddess. Bring in the hard copy (book or printout) to John by 8:45 am.

  • Due Tues., 11/23:
    • Bring an instrument if you have one!
    • Write a verse of 4-5 lines about religion or a religion to work into a larger composition.

  • Grade 7:

Moment of Zen:

Volcanos: Hogging All The Awesome?

Explosions, lava, ash, steam, lightning? As if volcanos weren't impressive enough, vulcanologists (volcano scientists) are increasingly documenting the occurrence of lightning as part of a volcanic eruption. Here's some more links to pictures of volcanic lightning and possible scientific explanations. (h/t Liam M.)