Welcome to the Prisms Homework Blog!
Assignments are "due next class" unless another date is specified.
- 7th GRADE: read, annotate, and take notes on Florence abolitionism
- 8TH GRADE: 10 note cards due Jan 11, Monday
- Mentor information due Jan 8, Friday
- Fill out 50/100 character information boxes by Thursday 1/14
Math (7th):
- pg. 219 ALL
- prepare for quiz
- pg. 219 ALL
- prepare for quiz
Math (8th):
- pg. 264-265
#7-31 odd and #20
Big Ideas Math Link is here!
Rachel's grade and homework page is here
Math (Grace)
- pg. 104 (except 6) due Jan 7, Thursday
TECH (Grace)
- Complete "Table of Contents"
- Notebooks to be turned in Friday, Jan 8
- Find average of oscillations for each trial for Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 (Friday, Jan 8)
- Indian Removal Role Play prep
Spanish (7th)
- have a peer quiz you on calendario, dates, and weather (Weds. 1/13)
Spanish (8th)
- traduce
Now it's time for the Nerdy Quote of the Day! How can we apply this timeless message to our homework?
: )
“We each need to find our own inspiration. Sometimes it’s not easy.”
—Kiki’s Delivery Service