Friday, December 20, 2013

Due Thursday, Jan 2, 2014
Genetic techniques:
Pro or Con speech graphic organizer(shared with you today), completed
and shared with me!

Email me with any questions or difficulties,
and I'll direct you.

Have a great holiday everybody! - John

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

General Announcments:
  • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
  • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE.
  • This Friday, December 20, is a half day. All students will be dismissed at 12:30. The annual Solstice Celebration, including the Mummers' Play, will begin at 11 am. All Hilltown families are welcome to attend!
  • 7th Grade:
    • Calculate the average for each of your chosen chair measurements,from the data gathered
      today in class. Next step: drawing a prototype chair, incorporating the design ideas of your group.
  • 8th Grade:
      Grace's Group:
      • Complete 2.5 Practice A, if not already done.
      John's Group:
      • Text., p. 414, 1-7, 39, 44
  • Read your novel of choice. Book review due Jan. 2.
  • Due ASAP: Your interactive DC map Prezi, if not already shared. Make sure your Prezi meets all of the requirements outlined here. Share with and send me an email if you have questions about Prezi, Dropbox, or the project.
  • 7th Grade:
    • earphones
    • Subject pronoun hoja
  • 8th Grade:
    • earphones
    • Proyecto
  • complete the "baby giraffe" phenotype/genotype
    worksheet and sketch worked on in class today
  • For the Genetics research project, check the document
    I shared with you ( and which we began on Dec. 6), and continue your research
    for questions 3-4 (you should already have shared with me on Googledocs).
    Friday will be a research day, where you will generate the pros and cons of
    the technique you are researching, and form your own opinion about whether this
    technique should be promoted or not!
Moment of Zen:

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

General Announcments:
  • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
  • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE.
  • 7th Grade:
    • Due Wednesday, Dec 11
      Complete the Practice, 3.2 A or B;
      our lesson today was on understanding
      what the slope means in particular scenarios...!
  • 8th Grade:
      Grace's Group:
      • Nada.
      John's Group:
      • Due Wednesday, Dec. 11

        Complete the following problems in the Textbook,
        solving absolute value inequalities:

        read example on p. 355;
        pgs. 356-7 # 12-14, 16, 18, 61,64-5
  • Final draft of political parties essay due Friday.
  • Read your novel of choice. Book review due Jan. 2.
  • Due ASAP: Your interactive DC map Prezi, if not already shared. Make sure your Prezi meets all of the requirements outlined here. Share with and send me an email if you have questions about Prezi, Dropbox, or the project.
  • 7th Grade:
    • earphones
    • Subject pronoun hoja
  • 8th Grade:
    • earphones
    • Proyecto

  • First building composition due Wednesday, 12/11
Moment of Zen:

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

General Announcments:
  • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
  • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE.
  • 7th Grade:
    • Due Wednesday, Dec 11
      Complete the Practice, 3.2 A or B;
      our lesson today was on understanding
      what the slope means in particular scenarios...!
  • 8th Grade:
      Grace's Group:
      • Due Wed., Dec. 11: Finish 2.4 Practice A
      John's Group:
      • Due Wednesday, Dec. 11

        Complete the following problems in the Textbook,
        solving absolute value inequalities:

        read example on p. 355;
        pgs. 356-7 # 12-14, 16, 18, 61,64-5
  • Study for test on political parties. Test on Thursday.
  • Final draft of political parties essay due Friday.
  • Read your novel of choice. Book review due Jan. 2.
  • Due ASAP: Your interactive DC map Prezi, if not already shared. Make sure your Prezi meets all of the requirements outlined here. Share with and send me an email if you have questions about Prezi, Dropbox, or the project.
  • 7th Grade:
    • earphones
    • Subject pronoun hoja
  • 8th Grade:
    • earphones
    • Proyecto
  • Due TODAY!
    your illustrated cover is due;
    You were also to share with me answers
    to the first two research questions:

    We have begun a shorter-term project researching certain
    genetic techniques, and whether we think
    they should or should not be pursued!
  • First building composition due Wednesday, 12/11
Moment of Zen:

Cognitive Linguistics researchers (who study the way the brain processes language) at MIT working on the theory and mechanisms behind tongue twisters have come up with a doozy. Try saying "Pad kid poured curd pulled cold" 5 times fast. Or, click above to read about the research that led up to this and what they determined made for a good tongue twister.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

General Announcments:
  • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
  • Saturday, December 7 Winter Fair! All Prisms should be signed up for shifts at craft tables at times when your class is not performing.
  • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE.
  • 7th Grade:
    • Due: Friday, Dec 6:
      Complete exercises on p. 62 in the R&P journal;
      then, in the textbook, p.108-9
      Level 1 (easier)L 1-3,5,7,9,12,14-17
      Level 2 (more challenging) 1-3, 4,6,8,14-15, 17-19
    • Due Fri., Dec. 6 Problem of the Week. If you took the more challenging problem of the week (Ration Ratios - the one about vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals), your sheet may have the scenario, but not the actual questions. Here's the questions:
      • What was the ratio of vegetarian lunches to vegetarians?
      • Each non-vegetarian ate one non-vegetarian lunch. There were so many non-vegetarian meals that all but six non-vegetarians could have seconds. How many vegetarians did not get a vegetarian meal?
  • 8th Grade:
      Grace's Group
      • Due Fri., 12/6: Do textbook, p. 72-73, #3-10, 20.
      John's Group:
      • Due Friday, Dec. 6
        in the Practice packet, answer all questions we
        circled today p.71 Act #3, p.74 7-11, 13,
        p.76, Activity 2 (a,b, and c)
      • Due Fri., Dec. 6 Problem of the Week. If you took the more challenging problem of the week (Ration Ratios - the one about vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals), your sheet may have the scenario, but not the actual questions. Here's the questions:
        • What was the ratio of vegetarian lunches to vegetarians?
        • Each non-vegetarian ate one non-vegetarian lunch. There were so many non-vegetarian meals that all but six non-vegetarians could have seconds. How many vegetarians did not get a vegetarian meal?

  • Rough draft due Monday.
  • Read your novel of choice. Book review due Jan. 2.
  • Due Wed., 12/4: Your interactive DC map Prezi must be shared with me by the end of the day on Wednesday. Make sure your Prezi meets all of the requirements outlined here. Share with and send me an email if you have questions about Prezi, Dropbox, or the project.
  • 7th Grade:
    • earphones
    • Due lunes, 12/9: España paquete
  • 8th Grade:
    • earphones
    • Due miércoles, 12/4: España paquete
  • due tomorrow, Dec 6:
    Bring in your prioritized list for your genetics research project

  • First building composition due Wednesday, 12/11

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

General Announcments:
  • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
  • Saturday, December 7 Winter Fair! All Prisms should be signed up for shifts at craft tables at times when your class is not performing.
  • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE.
  • 7th Grade:
    • Due Tue., Dec. 3: 
    • Due Fri., Dec. 6 Problem of the Week. If you took the more challenging problem of the week (Ration Ratios - the one about vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals), your sheet may have the scenario, but not the actual questions. Here's the questions:
      • What was the ratio of vegetarian lunches to vegetarians?
      • Each non-vegetarian ate one non-vegetarian lunch. There were so many non-vegetarian meals that all but six non-vegetarians could have seconds. How many vegetarians did not get a vegetarian meal?
  • 8th Grade:
      Grace's Group
      • Due Thurs., 12/5: Finish 2.4 Practice Sheet in packet and Ch. 2 Fair Game Review Sheet handed out in class today.
      John's Group:
      • Due Fri., Dec. 6 Problem of the Week. If you took the more challenging problem of the week (Ration Ratios - the one about vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals), your sheet may have the scenario, but not the actual questions. Here's the questions:
        • What was the ratio of vegetarian lunches to vegetarians?
        • Each non-vegetarian ate one non-vegetarian lunch. There were so many non-vegetarian meals that all but six non-vegetarians could have seconds. How many vegetarians did not get a vegetarian meal?
  • Read your novel of choice. Book review due Jan. 2.
  • Due Wed., 12/4: Your interactive DC map Prezi must be shared with me by the end of the day on Wednesday. Make sure your Prezi meets all of the requirements outlined here. Share with and send me an email if you have questions about Prezi, Dropbox, or the project.
  • 7th Grade:
    • earphones
    • Due lunes, 12/9: España paquete
  • 8th Grade:
    • earphones
    • Due miércoles, 12/4: España paquete

  • First building composition due Wednesday, 12/11

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

General Announcments:
  • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
  • Saturday, December 7 Winter Fair! All Prisms should be signed up for shifts at craft tables at times when your class is not performing.
  • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE.
  • 7th Grade:
    • Due Tue., Dec. 3: 
    • Due Fri., Dec. 6 Problem of the Week. If you took the more challenging problem of the week (Ration Ratios - the one about vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals), your sheet may have the scenario, but not the actual questions. Here's the questions:
      • What was the ratio of vegetarian lunches to vegetarians?
      • Each non-vegetarian ate one non-vegetarian lunch. There were so many non-vegetarian meals that all but six non-vegetarians could have seconds. How many vegetarians did not get a vegetarian meal?
  • 8th Grade:
      Grace's Group
      • Due Wed., Dec. 4: Finish 2.4 Practice Sheet in packet and Ch. 2 Fair Game Review Sheet handed out in class today.
      John's Group:
      • Due Fri., Dec. 6 Problem of the Week. If you took the more challenging problem of the week (Ration Ratios - the one about vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals), your sheet may have the scenario, but not the actual questions. Here's the questions:
        • What was the ratio of vegetarian lunches to vegetarians?
        • Each non-vegetarian ate one non-vegetarian lunch. There were so many non-vegetarian meals that all but six non-vegetarians could have seconds. How many vegetarians did not get a vegetarian meal?
  • Read your novel of choice. Book review due Jan. 2.
  • Due Wed., 12/4: Your interactive DC map Prezi must be shared with me by the end of the day on Wednesday. Make sure your Prezi meets all of the requirements outlined here. Share with and send me an email if you have questions about Prezi, Dropbox, or the project.
  • 7th Grade:
    • earphones
    • Due lunes, 12/9: España paquete
  • 8th Grade:
    • earphones
    • Due miércoles, 12/4: España paquete

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

General Announcments:
  • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
  • Saturday, December 7 Winter Fair! All Prisms should be signed up for shifts at craft tables at times when your class is not performing.
  • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE.
  • 7th Grade:
    • Due Tue., Dec. 3: Next two problems on whichever 3.1 sheet you chose: Practice A, Practice B, or Enrichment
    • Due Fri., Dec. 6 Problem of the Week. If you took the more challenging problem of the week (Ration Ratios - the one about vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals), your sheet may have the scenario, but not the actual questions. Here's the questions:
      • What was the ratio of vegetarian lunches to vegetarians?
      • Each non-vegetarian ate one non-vegetarian lunch. There were so many non-vegetarian meals that all but six non-vegetarians could have seconds. How many vegetarians did not get a vegetarian meal?
  • 8th Grade:
      Grace's Group
      John's Group:
      • Due Fri., Dec. 6 Problem of the Week. If you took the more challenging problem of the week (Ration Ratios - the one about vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals), your sheet may have the scenario, but not the actual questions. Here's the questions:
        • What was the ratio of vegetarian lunches to vegetarians?
        • Each non-vegetarian ate one non-vegetarian lunch. There were so many non-vegetarian meals that all but six non-vegetarians could have seconds. How many vegetarians did not get a vegetarian meal?
  • Read you novel of choice. Book review due Jan. 2.
  • Due Wed., 12/4: Your interactive DC map Prezi must be shared with me by the end of the day on Wednesday. Make sure your Prezi meets all of the requirements outlined here. Share with and send me an email if you have questions about Prezi, Dropbox, or the project.
  • 7th Grade:
    • earphones
    • worksheets
  • 8th Grade:
    • earphones
    • Due miércoles, 12/4: España paquete

Moment of Zen:
Homemade excavator
Brazilian teenager Wesley Souza built this scale model of an excavator out of wood, plastic tubing and syringes after watching the real deal work. Click above to read more and see a video of Souza's excavator in action.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

This Pudding Tastes Like Science!

Rice Starch, highly magnified
Here are the three pudding recipes we used in class today, each with information about their own unique starch.

Chocolate Cornstarch Pudding

  1. In a saucepan, stir together:
    • ½ C. sugar
    • 3 Tablespoons cocoa powder
    • ¼ C. corn starch
    • ⅛ tsp. salt
  2. Stir in 2¾ C. milk and place over medium heat
  3. Bring to a boil and cook, sitrring constantly, until mixture thickens to coat back of metal spoon.
  4. Remove from heat and stir in 1 tsp. vanilla.
  5. Let cool briefly before eating

Tapioca Pudding

    • 3 cups whole milk
    • ½ cup quick-cooking tapioca
    • ½ cup white sugar
    • ¼ teaspoon salt
    • 2 eggs, beaten
    • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  1. Stir together the milk, tapioca, sugar, and salt in a medium saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to low; cook and stir 5 minutes longer.
  2. Whisk 1 cup of the hot milk mixture into the beaten eggs, 2 tablespoons at a time until incorporated. Stir the egg mixture back into the tapioca until well mixed. Bring the pudding to a gentle simmer over medium-low heat; cook and stir 2 minutes longer until the pudding becomes thick enough to evenly coat the back of a metal spoon. Remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla. The pudding may be served hot or poured into serving dishes and refrigerated several hours until cold.

Rice Pudding

    • 2½ c. whole milk
    • ½ c. white rice (if you have it, sushi rice or arborio rice (the kind used in risotto) are best)
    • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
    • Pinch salt
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla or almond extract
    • Toppings such as chopped nuts, dried or fresh fruit, cinnamon, or nutmeg (optional)
  1. Place milk, rice, sugar, and salt in a medium saucepan.
  2. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally until sugar has dissolved.
  3. Lower heat to a bare simmer and cook uncovered, stirring occasionally, until rice is tender and mixture thickens, about 20 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla or almond extract. Taste, adding additional sugar or toppings as desired.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

General Announcments:
  • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
  • Wednesday, November 27, will be a half day, with dismissal at 12:30 for all HCCPS students. We will not have a lunch period at school, so don't bring a lunch or expect a hot lunch, but you might want to bring a larger snack.
  • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
  • 7th Grade:
    • Due Wed., Nov 27:
    • Textbook,pgs 102-3, #7-21(odd), and #31
  • 8th Grade:
      Grace's Group
    • John's Group:
      Entire project report due this Wednesday, Nov 27


  • Due Tues. , 11/26
  •  Have your Bee/Cell folder to take home over the Thanksgiving break to show parents
  • 7th Grade:
    • earphones
    • el calendario worksheets
  • 8th Grade:
      • earphones
      • verbos papeles

    Moment of Zen:

    11 Foods Inspired by The Hunger Games
    Food is, understandably, something often discussed in the Hunger Games trilogy. The website Fictional Foods is dedicated to replicating notable dishes from fiction with images and sometimes even recipes from any number of books. Click the picture above to see a roundup of highlights of their Hunger Games-related recipes or click

    Monday, November 25, 2013

    Monday, November 25, 2013

    General Announcments:
    • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
    • Wednesday, November 27, will be a half day, with dismissal at 12:30 for all HCCPS students. We will not have a lunch period at school, so don't bring a lunch or expect a hot lunch, but you might want to bring a larger snack.
    • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
    • 7th Grade:
      • Due Tue., Nov 26:
      • Record and Practice Journal, pp53-4, #1-16
    • 8th Grade:
        Grace's Group
      • Bring in your shirt to print!
      • John's Group: Complete #1-6 of the Femur prediction project
        Entire project report due this Wednesday, Nov 27


    • Due Tues. , 11/26
    •  Have your Bee/Cell folder in class to show me
    • 7th Grade:
      • earphones
      • el calendario worksheets
    • 8th Grade:
        • earphones
        • verbos papeles

      Thursday, November 21, 2013

      Thursday, November 20, 2013

      General Announcments:
      • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
      • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
      • 7th Grade:
        • Due Tue., 11/19:
        • Practice simplifying algebraic expressions by identifying, and combining like terms:
        •  Handout Practice 2.5B (odds)
        • All: New PoW due Mon., 11/25.
      • 8th Grade:
          Grace's Group
        • Quiz Friday, November 22 on linear equations. You should be able to do the following:
          • Identify the parts of y=mx+b
          • Graph an equation in this format
          • Write an equation in slope-intercept form given a slope and a point or given two points.
          John's Group
        • Due Wed., Nov 20:  Correct your quiz for + 1/3 credit
        • This week's PoW completed by Monday, 11/25
      • Final draft of letter due Friday.

      • 7th Grade:
        • earphones
      • 8th Grade:
          • earphones

        Moment of Zen:

        Organ designed by Leonardo daVinci over 500 years ago built and played for the first time recently. 

        Monday, November 18, 2013

        Monday, November 18, 2013

        General Announcments:
        • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
        • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
        • 7th Grade:
          • Due Tue., 11/19:
          • Practice simplifying algebraic expressions by identifying, and combining like terms:
          •  Handout Practice 2.5B (odds)
          • All: New PoW due Mon., 11/25.
        • 8th Grade:
            Grace's Group
          • Due Tues., 11/19: Finish 2.3 Practice B, begun in class today 
          • John's Group
          • Due Wed., Nov 20:  Correct your quiz for + 1/3 credit
          • This week's PoW completed by Monday, 11/25
        • Study for test Friday. Review packet due tomorrow.
        • Research one issue to change the world (due Friday)
        • Due Friday, Nov 15
        • Your written summary (minimum 200 words, handwritten or typed) of the Process for making Rock candy
        • Use your outline given preapred in class to summarize the process and explain the reason(s) why sugar crystals developed on the skewer over time; include a colored illustration of this activity as part of your summary!:
        • 7th Grade:
          • earphones
          • traduce
          • earphones
          • hoja de trabajo
        • 8th Grade:
          Moment of Zen:

          Urine-Powered Robots?

          From LiveScience:
          There's a new use for artificial hearts, and it involves a more taboo bodily fluid than blood.

          A device that mimics the squeezing action of the human heart has been used to pump urine into a microbial fuel cell, which could power robots that convert the waste into electricity.

          "In the future, we hope the robots might be used in city environments for remote sensing," where they could helpto monitor pollution, said study researcher Peter Walters, an industrial designer at the University of the West of England. "It could refuel from public lavatories, or urinals, " Walters said.

          Walters and colleagues at the University of Bristol have created four generations of these so-called EcoBots over the past decade. Previous versions of the robots ran off energy from rotten produce, dead flies, wastewater and sludge.

          Each is powered by a microbial fuel cell, containing live microorganisms like those found in the human gut or sewage treatment plants. The microbes digest the waste (or urine) and produce electrons, which can be harvested to produce electrical current, Walters said.

          The researchers have already proved the microbial fuel cells can use urine power to charge a mobile phone.

          Now, the team has developed a device, made of artificial muscles, that delivers real human urine to the robot's microbial power stations. The pump is constructed from smart materials, called shape memory alloys, which remember their shape after being deformed.

          Heating the artificial muscles with an electric current causes them to compress the soft center of the pump, forcing urine through an outlet that pumps it up to the height of the robot's fuel cells. Removing the heat allows the muscles to revert to their original shape, allowing more fluid to enter the pump — much as a heart relaxes to suck in more blood.

          Twenty-four of these fuel cells stacked together were able to produce enough electricity to charge a capacitor, which was used to trigger contractions of the artificial heart pump, the researchers report today (Nov. 8) in the journal Bioinspiration and Biomimetics.

          Whereas conventional motor-powered pumps tend to get clogged, the artificial muscle pump has larger internal orifices, Walters said.

          While the new pump does produce more electricity than it consumes (since some of the electricity comes from urine that's converted to electrons), it's still not extremely efficient. The researchers hope to improve the pump's efficiency for use in future generations of the EcoBot.

          Thursday, November 14, 2013

          Thursday, November 14, 2013

          General Announcments:
          • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
          • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
          • 7th Grade:
            • Due Thur., 11/14:
            • Practice simplifying algebraic expressions by identifying, and combining like terms:
            • p.81A, 1-6
            • All: PoW due Mon., 11/21.
          • 8th Grade:
              Grace's Group
            • Due Fri., 11/15: Complete all parts slope-intercept packet, if not completed in class already.
            • John's Group
            • Due THursday:  This week's PoW completed by tomorrow
            • Quiz on multiple techniques for graphing linear equations
            • is this FRIDAY
          • Study for test Friday. Review packet due tomorrow.
          • Research one issue to change the world (due Friday)
          • Due Friday, Nov 15
          • Your written summary (minimum 200 words, handwritten or typed) of the Process for making Rock candy
          • Use your outline given preapred in class to summarize the process and explain the reason(s) why sugar crystals developed on the skewer over time; include a colored illustration of this activity as part of your summary!:
          • 7th Grade:
            • earphones
            • traduce
            • earphones
            • hoja de trabajo
          • 8th Grade:
            Moment of Zen:
            Iceland's Elf School

            Wednesday, November 13, 2013

            Wednesday, November 13, 2013

            General Announcments:
            • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
            • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
            • 7th Grade:
              • Due Thur., 11/14:
              • Practice simplifying algebraic expressions by identifying, and combining like terms:
              • p.81A, 1-6
              • All: PoW due Mon., 11/21.
            • 8th Grade:
                Grace's Group
              • Due Thurs., 11/14: handout, p. 33, a-d. Graph equation, find slope and y-intercept (y-value when line crosses y-axis).
              • John's Group
              • Due THursday:  This week's PoW completed by tomorrow
              • Quiz on multiple techniques for graphing linear equations
              • is this FRIDAY
            • Study for test Friday. Review packet due tomorrow.
            • Research one issue to change the world (due Friday)
            • Due Friday, Nov 15
            • Your written summary (minimum 200 words, handwritten or typed) of the Process for making Rock candy
            • Use your outline given preapred in class to summarize the process and explain the reason(s) why sugar crystals developed on the skewer over time; include a colored illustration of this activity as part of your summary!:
            • 7th Grade:
              • earphones
              • traduce
              • earphones
              • hoja de trabajo
            • 8th Grade:
              Moment of Zen:
              3D Printing Prosthetic Hands

              Tuesday, November 12, 2013

              Tuesday, November 12, 2013

              General Announcments:
              • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
              • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
              • 7th Grade:
                • Due Wed., 11/13:
                  • L2textbook, p. 86, #13-17 odd, 19, 24, 25, 36, 40
                  • L1 textbook, p.86, #7-11(odd), 18,26, 30
                • All: PoW due Mon., 11/21.
              • 8th Grade:
                  Grace's Group
                • Due Wed., 11/13: textbook, p. 59-60, #7-12, 15-18 (don't graph), 22
                • John's Group
                • Due Wed., 11/13: Complete 2.3B, Read PoW
              • Due :
              • 7th Grade:
              • 8th Grade:
                Moment of Zen:

                Tuesday, October 29, 2013

                Tuesday, October 29, 2013

                General Announcments:
                • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
                • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                • Student-Parent-Teacher conferences this Friday, November 1
                • 7th Grade:
                  • Due :
                • 8th Grade:
                    Grace's Group
                  • Due Wed., 10/30: Finish p. 28, 1-5 and Practice 2.1A, and Rearranging Equations sheet as needed.
                  • John's Group
                  • Due :
                • Finish conference packet and choose sample work to lead your conference.
                • Third assignment of Animal Farm due Thursday.
                • Due :
                • 7th Grade: Work on proyecto
                • 8th Grade: Verbos en -ar/-ir/-er tarea (2 sided)
                  Moment of Zen:
                  The Tyranny of the 4-year old Tyrannosaur

                  Cartoonist Allie Brosh tells the tragicomic (but mostly comic) story about her quest for world domination as a four year old in a dinosaur costume in words and pictures at Hyperbole and a Half.

                  Monday, October 28, 2013

                  Monday, October 28
                  8th grade
                  Due: Tuesday Oct 29
                  JVB:  p.244 in text,# 13-21 (even), # 36, 38 and 40
                  Due Wed.  "Personal Trainer" problem - all parts

                  7th Grade:
                  Due Tuesday, October 29
                  p. 80, textbook; #7- 22 (odd), 34, 38
                  Due Thursday, Oct 31: PoW

                  Due Tuesday Oct 29
                  Give John a printed copy of your final bee/cell essay

                  Monday, October 21, 2013

                  General Announcments:
                  • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
                  • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                  • Student-Parent-Teacher conferences this Friday, November 1
                  • 7th Grade:
                    • Due :
                  • 8th Grade:
                      Grace's Group
                    • Due Tues., 10/29: Finish handout, p. 28, #1-5 and all questions on Practice 2.1A. You will need graph paper.
                    • John's Group
                    • Due :
                  • Finish conference packet and choose sample work to lead your conference.
                  • Third assignment of Animal Farm due Thursday.
                  • Due :
                  • 7th Grade: Work on proyecto
                  • 8th Grade: Verbos en -ar/-ir/-er tarea (2 sided)
                    Moment of Zen:
                    Eleven-Acre Art

                    US-based artist Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada constructed this massively-sized portrait, entitled "Wish" as part of a festival in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Rodríguez-Gerada plotted out the design, staked it out onsite by GPS, then constructed the portrait over a period of four weeks using over 8 million pounds of soil, sand, rock and other materials with the assistance of a team of volunteers. Click above to see more pictures of the installation from many different distances, including what it looks like on the ground and to read more about how Rodríguez-Gerada pulled this off.

                    Tuesday, October 22, 2013

                    Tuesday, October 22, 2013

                    General Announcments:
                    • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
                    • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                    • Parent Meeting about DC, Wednesday, October 23, 6:30-8, 3rd Floor Classroom
                    • Prisms Tavern Role Play, Friday, October 25. All Prisms families welcome!
                    • 7th Grade:
                      • Due : Complete R/P Journal pp. 41-42
                      • Quiz tomorrow on sections 2.1 - 2.3
                    • 8th Grade:
                        Grace's Group
                      • Due :
                      • John's Group
                      • Due Wednesday October 23: Quiz tomorrow on elements of
                      • solving equations, writing equations in function form - see the Cumulative Review at the end of Chapter 3 for the kinds of questions you will face.
                      • Practice tonight: graphing linear equations, pp. 221-2, #14-16,35,36, 41-43, 46, 50, 53, 60-63

                    • Due :
                    • Due : Friday, October 25
                    • Your cell analogy + your key is due

                    • 7th Grade:
                    • 8th Grade:
                      Moment of Zen:
                      It's been a long week, so here's a picture of a pug in bubble wrap.

                      Sunday, October 20, 2013

                      Monday, Oct 21

                      Math: due Monday 10/21 (actually due Friday 10/18!)
                      8th grade / JVB
                      No PoW due Monday, 10/21
                      p. 177 in Alg 1 text, #11,13,15,21,29
                      p. 178-9 # 37-39, 45

                      Grace:  Due Mon 10/21
                      Business plan + Ch. 1 Review Sheet

                      Math/7th Grade
                      Due Mon 10/21
                      No PoW due!
                      p.66-67 Text
                      2-9, 15-33 (odd) 35,36
                      ( Challenge (optional) #47) - this was actually due last Friday, but
                      we had our field trip, so we'll check it in tomorrow morning.

                      Due Mon 10/21
                      1) Make/print out a key for your Cell Analogy work
                      2) Print out copy of your Final Honey bee/Cell essay
                      and turn in to John

                      Wednesday, October 16, 2013

                      Wednesday, October 16, 2013

                      General Announcments:
                      • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
                      • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                      • 7th Grade:
                        • Due :
                      • 8th Grade:
                        • Grace's Group
                        • Nada:
                        • John's Group

                      • Read and annotate packet "A Young People's History of the US" Ch. 5 Due Tomorrow
                      • Due 
                      • Spanish:
                      • 7th Grade: los números worksheet
                      • 8th Grade: la familia
                      Moment of Zen:

                      The Venn Diagram, the platypus and the keytar. Three great tastes, rolled into one.

                      Friday, October 11, 2013

                      Tuesday, Oct 15 Homework


                      Due Tuesday, 10/15 12 noon
                      Final Draft of Bee/Cell essay  shared with John

                      Due Wednesday, 10/16
                      Typed Unit Summary due (must be printed out)
                      Illustrated Folder Cover for Bee/Cell unit due

                      Have a great weekend, everyone!

                      Thursday, October 10, 2013

                      Thursday, October 10, 2013

                      General Announcments:
                      • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
                      • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                      • 7th Grade:
                        • Due :Friday, Oct 11
                        • pp. 60-1, 2,3,4*, 6*, 11* - 15 (odd), 22, 25-28, 30
                        • * means estimate the answer to these first before you solve them!
                      • 8th Grade:
                        • Grace's Group
                        • Due Thurs., 10/10: Finish citrus questions.
                        • John's Group
                        • Due : Due Friday, 10/11 Practice 3.3, 1-15 (odd), 16-17, 19(make sure to show the function you used for this problem!) 

                      • Study for test. Finish study guide.
                      • Due :  Due Friday, 10/11  COmplete your Summary and Sketch outline
                      • for your folder for this unit's work on honeybees and Cells
                      • Spanish:
                      • 7th Grade: los números worksheet
                      • 8th Grade:
                        • Reading packet
                        • or
                        • Ernestina story
                      Moment of Zen:

                      Azerbaijan releases election results...before the polls open.

                      Or, a reminder that ours is not the only government with issues right now.

                      (Click to read more)

                      Wednesday, October 9, 2013

                      Wednesday, October 9, 2013

                      General Announcments:
                      • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
                      • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                      • 7th Grade:
                        • Due :THursday, Oct 10
                        • pp 34-5 in R/P Journal.  Complete both pages for tomorrow
                      • 8th Grade:
                        • Grace's Group
                        • Due Thurs., 10/10: Finish tracing your stencil onto vellum.
                        • John's Group
                        • Due : Due Thur 10/10  Complete 2.4-2.7 Problems #1,6

                      • Study for test. Finish study guide. Due tomorrow.
                      • Due :  Due Friday, 10/11  COmplete your Summary and Sketch outline
                      • for your folder for this unit's work on honeybees and Cells
                      • Spanish:
                      • 7th Grade: los números worksheet
                      • 8th Grade:
                        • Reading packet
                        • or
                        • Ernestina story
                      Moment of Zen:
                      The 17th Century Pocketwatch

                      (Click to read more)

                      Friday, October 4, 2013

                      Homework for Science/Math for October 4-9

                      due Saturday, October 5, by noon:   Share your rough draft of your cell/honeybee essay with me.
                      Unit test on Cells will be this coming Wednesday, October 9.

                      Grade 7:  due Tuesday, Oct. 8  Make corrections on your Integers Test.
                                      Certain students to make arrangements for re-taking the test next week after school (WEDNESDAY IS PREFERRED!)

                      Grade 8:  JVB's group: No homework

                      Thursday, October 3, 2013

                      Thursday, October 3, 2013

                      General Announcments:
                      • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
                      • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                      • 7th Grade:
                        • Due :
                      • 8th Grade:
                          Grace's Group
                        • Due Fri., 10/4: Business Model Practice sheet begun in class today and your stencil design, full size on 8½ x 11 paper. Watch out for islands in your design! See the slideshow for examples.
                        • John's Group
                        • Due :
                      • Due : Bring in a white sheet. Finish Roman Republic role play worksheet.
                      • Due :
                      • 7th Grade:
                      • 8th Grade:
                        Moment of Zen:
                        It's been a long week, so here's a picture of a pug in bubble wrap.

                        Tuesday, October 1, 2013

                        Tuesday, October 1, 2013

                        8th Grade:  JVB
                        Due: tomorrow 10/2
                        Study for the Ch. 1 test tomorrow
                        T shirt #7 with at least one suggestion to improve the business model and how out will improve profit.
                        7th Grade:  Due: 10/2
                        Study for Chp 1 test tomorrow!

                        Science:  Due 10/2
                        Complete the Graphic Organizer and share your work with me (at  You are comparing and contrasting cells with honeybees!

                        Monday, September 30, 2013

                        Monday, September 30, 2013

                        General Announcments:
                        • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace

                        • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                        • 7th Grade:
                          • Due :
                        • 8th Grade:
                            Grace's Group
                          • Due :
                          • John's Group
                          • Due :
                        • Due Tues., 10/1: Create a 3-dimensional house: English, wigwam or longhouse. No more than 2" by 2" by 2"
                        • Due :
                        • 7th Grade: Classroom objects hoja
                        • 8th Grade:
                            hoja de trabajo (verbos)
                        Moment of Zen:

                        Thursday, September 26, 2013

                        Thursday, September 26, 2013

                        General Announcments:
                        • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace

                        • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                        • 7th Grade:
                          • Due :
                        • 8th Grade:
                            Grace's Group
                          • Due Fri., 9/27: Complete all problems on 1.4 Practice A handout.
                          • John's Group
                          • Due :
                        • Due Mon., 9/30: Read book and complete reading log #8
                        • Due :
                        • 7th Grade:
                        • 8th Grade:
                          Moment of Zen:

                          Wednesday, September 25, 2013

                          Wednesday, September 25, 2013

                          General Announcments:
                          • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
                          • Citrus Sale ongoing until Monday, 9/30!
                          • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                          • 7th Grade:
                            • Due : Thursday, September 26
                            • Record and Practice Journal pgs. 23-25   Do all the activities, and answer all the questions on the Coordinate Grid examples
                            • Bring in Battleship games you have from home! 
                          • 8th Grade:
                              Grace's Group
                            • Due Thurs., 9/26: Finish 1.4 Activity on handouts (solving for a variable in a geometric formula).
                            • John's Group
                            • Due :  Lesson 1.7 Practice C, p 77 # 9, 11, 15
                              • Lessons 1.6-1.7 Problem Solving workshop, p. 81  #1,2
                          • Due Thursday, 9/26: Reading Log #7. Begin Reading Log #8 for Monday.
                          • Due :

                          • 7th Grade: Create 15 flashcards of classroom objects. Picture on one side, Spanish on the other. ¡No inglés!
                          • 8th Grade: 8 dibujos, 8 párrafos on separate pieces of paper.
                            Moment of Zen:

                            Actual Photo of Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg

                            Tuesday, September 24, 2013

                            Tuesday, September 24, 2013

                            General Announcments:
                            • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace

                            • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                            • 7th Grade:
                              • Due : Wednesday, September 25
                              • p. 33 in a our text ( if you forgot your textbook!)  #32-33, 37, 39
                            • 8th Grade:
                                Grace's Group
                              • Due Wed., 9/25 : Finish Quiz corrections and complete Practice 1.3B, #3-8
                              • John's Group
                              • Due : Wednesday, September 25
                              • Complete all the questions for Project: Watch it disappear, which includes a 1 paragraph summary, as specified in the handout
                            • Due :
                            •  Due :Tomorrow, Wednesday 9/25
                            • Group C!  Bring in water shoes or boots, or waders - and wear a pair of shorts.  We are going to be gathering samples of riverbed-dwelling insects with Kurt Heidinger, for our annual "bioassessment" of the Mill
                            • 7th Grade:
                            • 8th Grade:
                              Moment of Zen:

                              Monday, September 23, 2013

                              Monday, September 23, 2013

                              General Announcments:
                              • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
                              • Wednesday, September 25: Rapid bioassessment in Science class. Dress or bring clothes to go in the river.
                              • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                              • 7th Grade:
                                • Due Tues., 9/24: Record & Practice, p. 22, #1-11; textbook, p. 32, #26-31
                              • 8th Grade:
                                  Grace's Group
                                • Due Tues., 9/24: Finish Fraction Coefficient worksheet and do textbook p. 28-29, #5-19
                                • John's Group
                                • Due :
                              • Due Thurs., 9/26: Read book and complete reading log #7.
                              • Test Wed., 9/25: Finish review packet and study.
                              • Due :
                              • 7th Grade: Hoja de trabajo (worksheet)
                              • 8th Grade: 2 hojas de trabajo y el cuento
                              Moment of Zen:
                              Radio Time Capsule: September 21, 1939

                              Seventy-four years ago this past Saturday, DC-Area radio station WJSV recorded their entire broadcast day. Much like today, there's music, news, sports, and ads, but this was the pre-television Golden Age of Radio, so there were also soap operas, comedy shows, educational shows, game shows and an address from president Roosevelt on the situation in Europe (1939 = WWII, before official US troop involvement). Check out the programming, available in bite-sized segments at the Internet Archive by clicking above.

                              Thursday, September 19, 2013

                              Thursday, September 19, 2013

                              General Announcments:
                              • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace

                              • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                              • 7th Grade:
                                • Due Fri., 9/20: Complete Record and Practice Journal pgs 15-17, then, in the the Textbook, pg 26-27:
                                  choose either
                                  • A.(more challenging) - #1-7, 30-44(even), 39,46-48
                                  • B. 1-15, 20-23, 30-34 (even), 39, 40, 45
                              • 8th Grade:
                                  Grace's Group
                                • Be ready for quiz Tomorrow (Fri., 9/20):
                                  • Write an equation based on a scenario
                                  • Identify independent and dependent variables in a scenario
                                  • Solve for a variable in an equation with variables on one or both sides of equation
                                  • Find a break even point by setting equations equal to each other (Deciding which choice is most cost-effective for a situation)
                                  John's Group
                                • Due Fri., 9/20: Chp 1,pgs 49-50, #7,9-14,24,30-32
                              • Due Monday, 9/23: Read book and complete Reading Log #6
                              • Nada:
                              • 7th Grade:
                              • 8th Grade:
                                Moment of Zen:

                                Librarian Stephen Kemple of the Cincinnati Library, on duty. Click to read more.

                                Wednesday, September 18, 2013

                                Wednesday, September 18, 2013

                                General Announcments:
                                • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
                                • Citrus Sale Ongoing until 9/30
                                • Community Day Tomorrow, 9/19: We will be up at the field, so dress accordingly.
                                • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                                • 7th Grade:
                                  • Due: Quiz today - No homework tonight. You can continue to work on the Problem of the Week.
                                • 8th Grade:
                                    Grace's Group
                                  • Due Thursday, 9/19: Finish all problems on Rose Sale handout.
                                  • Quiz on Friday!
                                  • John's Group

                                  • Complete the quiz for tomorrow; restrictions on calculator use apply!
                                • Due Thursday, 9/19: Read book and complete reading log #5.
                                • 7th Grade: Estudia las expresiones
                                • 8th Grade: 2 hojas de trabajo y el cuento
                                  Moment of Zen:
                                  Coins painted to look like pop culture figures: see more at Tales You Lose

                                  Tuesday, September 17, 2013

                                  Tuesday, September 17, 2013

                                  General Announcments:
                                  • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace

                                  • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                                  • 7th Grade:
                                    • Due :
                                  • 8th Grade:
                                      Grace's Group
                                    • Due Wednesday, 9/18: Finish 1.2 Practice A Sheet that we began in class today.  
                                    • John's Group
                                    • Due :
                                  •  Due Wednesday, 9/18: Practice for role play using rubric.
                                  • Finish deed paragraph and share with Beth by tomorrow.
                                  • Read book and complete Reading Log #5. Due Thursday.
                                  • Due :
                                  • 7th Grade: 10 Flashcards - classroom expressions. No English: Picture on front, Spanish on back.
                                  • 8th Grade:
                                    Moment of Zen:
                                    From an Ali Allmosawi's An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments, which uses cartoons with cute animals to illustrate a number of common logical fallacies. The whole book is available to view online (and for free!) here.

                                    Monday, September 16, 2013

                                    Monday, September 16, 2013

                                    General Announcments:
                                    • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace

                                    • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                                    • 7th Grade:
                                      • Due Tuesday, 9/17: pg. 18-19 1-7, 20-26 (even), 27-31 (odd) then do the Quix (a practice) on Page 21 in the text.
                                      • Quiz on absolute value, adding/subtracting integers, finding the range,on this Wednesday, Sep 18.
                                    • 8th Grade:
                                        Grace's Group
                                      • Due Tues., 9/17: Finish solving equations with variables on both sides on handout begun in class today.
                                      • John's Group
                                      • Due Tues., 9/17:
                                        • CAN YOU GUYS FIND ANY MEASURING CUPS AT HOME we can use for 1 week? - Great!
                                        • Complete Problems 1-6, and 8 found on Worksheet 1.5C (do these on separate, lined paper), for tomorrow
                                        • We'll have a quiz on the book chapters 1.1 - 1.6 this Wednesday, 9/18

                                    • Due :
                                    • Due :
                                    • 7th Grade:
                                    • 8th Grade:
                                      Moment of Zen:
                                      Action Archaeology! These researchers from the UK's Newcastle University are part of a team researching Bronze Age tools and weapons. They decide that one of the best ways to examine possible advantages and liabilities of these weapons, replicas of ones used in the British Isles and western mainland Europe 3000-4000 years ago.

                                      Wednesday, September 11, 2013

                                      SCIENCE MAKEUP....

                                      If you missed Science Class this Tuesday, take a look at these two, rather short video excerpts on bee behavior:

                             (part 1)

                             (part 2)

                                      The question we asked in class - and will continue to think about - is "Who, or what is in control of the honeybee colony?"

                                      John Wednesday 9/11

                                      Wednesday, September 11, 2013

                                      General Announcements:
                                      • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace

                                      • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.

                                      • 7th Grade:
                                        • Due :
                                      • 8th Grade:
                                          Grace's Group
                                        • Due Thurs., 9/12: Finish all questions on printing brochures sheet.
                                        • John's Group
                                        • Due :
                                      • Due :
                                      • Due :
                                      • 7th Grade:
                                      • 8th Grade:
                                        Moment of Zen:

                                        Tuesday, September 10, 2013

                                        Tuesday, September 10, 2013

                                        General ncments:
                                        • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
                                        • Talk to your family about selling citrus! The citrus sale is open and ongoing until September 30.
                                        • Thursday, 9/12: Field trip to Anne Griffin's in Florence to visit her beehive.
                                        • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.

                                        • 7th Grade:
                                          • Due :
                                        • 8th Grade:
                                            Grace's Group
                                          • Due : Nothing! You all finished it in class today!
                                          • John's Group
                                          • Due :
                                        • Due tomorrow
                                          • Read book and complete reading log.
                                          • Finish agenda of the Peace Conference.
                                        • Due :
                                        • 7th Grade: Prueba Mañana (quiz tomorrow), el alfabeto (listening), Classzone (flashcards, el alfabeto.
                                        • 8th Grade: Nada
                                          Moment of Zen:
                                          What can I say, Knowledge is power! Click here for more illustrated, essential animal facts.

                                          Monday, September 9, 2013

                                          Monday, September 9, 2013

                                          General Announcments:
                                          • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace

                                          • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.

                                          • Due Wed., 9/11: Read book, finish reading log.
                                            Grade 7
                                          • Due Tues., 9/10: Complete #1-8, absolute values (8 examples)
                                            Grade 8
                                            Grace's Group:
                                          • Due Tue., 9/10: Complete #3-6 on Yearbook Pricing/Book Binding problems in handout.
                                          • John's's Group:
                                          • Due Tue., 9/10:
                                            1. Bring in a measuring cup!
                                            2. p. 12-13, #18-48 even, #55-63 odd, #67
                                            Grade 8
                                          • Self-description, 1 párrafo, physical/personality, likes/dislikes
                                          Moment of Zen
                                          Recycled Robot Lamps
                                          Gille Monte-Ruici brings old metal scrap back to life by building robot-shaped lamps out of miscellaneous parts. Click to see more of these recycled creations.

                                          Wednesday, September 4, 2013

                                          Wednesday, September 4, 2013

                                          General Announcments:
                                          • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace

                                          • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.

                                          • Due Thurs., 9/5: Start reading, finish reading log.
                                            Grade 7
                                          • Due Thurs., 9/5:
                                            Grade 8
                                            Grace's Group:
                                          • Due Thurs., 9/5: Complete T-Shirt Initial Questions.
                                          • John's's Group:
                                          • Due Thurs., 9/5:
                                          Moment of Zen
                                          "A few days ago Colleen Theisen who helps with outreach and instruction at the Special Collections & University Archives at the University of Iowa shared an amazing gif she made that demonstrates something called fore-edge painting on the edge of a 1837 book called Autumn by Robert Mudie. Fore-edge painting, which is believed to date back as early as the 1650s, is a way of hiding a painting on the edge of a book so that it can only be seen when the pages are fanned out. There are even books that have double fore-edge paintings, where a different image can be seen by flipping the book over and fanning the pages in the opposite direction.

                                          When I realized the book Theisen shared was only one of a series about the seasons, I got in touch and she agreed to photograph the other three so we could share them with you here. Above are photos of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter which were donated to the University of Iowa by Charlotte Smith. How much fun are these? Keep an eye on the University of Iowa’s special collections Tumblr as they unearth more artifacts from the archives."

                                          Thursday, August 29, 2013

                                          Thursday, August 29, 2013

                                          General Announcments:
                                          • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
                                          • Mondays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                                          • Due Fri., Aug. 30: Your cover letter applying for your top three choices of class jobs.
                                          • Due Fri., Aug., 30: Complete a brief music survey here.
                                          Moment of Zen
                                          Prisms Class Flags

                                          Thursday, June 13, 2013

                                          Thursday, June 13, 2013

                                          General Announcments:
                                          • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
                                          • Fridays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                                          • Tuesday, June 18: Eighth Grade Graduation! All-School space, 6:30 PM, reception and dance to follow
                                          • Thursday, June 21: Last Day of School! Final All-School at 11 AM, dismissal at 12:30.
                                          • Grade 7:
                                          • Grade 8: Final draft of graduation speech due ASAP
                                          • Big Ideas Math Website: Choose your level/color
                                          • Grade 7:
                                            • Due Fri., 6/14:
                                              • Level 1: Write a complicated conversion problem for Grace! Here are the requirements:
                                                • It must take at least 4 conversion factors to complete
                                                • You may invent units, but you need to provide conversions to familiar units.
                                                • You must also be able to solve it.
                                              • Level 2: Finish Chapter 4.1, Practice A or B
                                            • Grade 8:
                                              • Due Fri., 6/14: p. 366, #2, 7-25 odds, and 29
                                          • Due Fri., 6/14: Tomorrow your Science folder is due! This folder contains our final two units, Project Budburst and Experiment Design.

                                            If you have a pronged folder, place both units inside the pronged binder of the folder; if you have a regular pocket folder, place each unit in a separate pocket.

                                              To ORDER your Experiment Design notes:
                                            1. Make an illustrated cover. The title is "Experiment Design: What makes for a good experiment?"
                                              Then add an illustration, something that relates to our projects this unit.
                                            2. Your reflection comes next.
                                            3. Then add all your notes, and your experiment summary.
                                            4. Finally, place this collection of work inside your folder.
                                          • Continue working on your part for any songs you are singing/playing for graduation
                                          • Bring in baby pictures (print or digital) ASAP!
                                          • Yearbook must be done Tuesday, June 11. This means all personal pages and community pages. Payment for yearbook ($25) also due by Tues., 6/11
                                          Moment of Zen

                                          It Serves Pulled Pork

                                          Click to read about this and nine other unorthodox food trucks.

                                          Tuesday, June 11, 2013

                                          Tuesday, June 11, 2013

                                          General Announcments:
                                          • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
                                          • Fridays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
                                          • Tuesday, June 18: Eighth Grade Graduation! All-School space, 6:30 PM, reception and dance to follow
                                          • Thursday, June 21: Last Day of School! Final All-School at 11 AM, dismissal at 12:30.
                                          • Grade 7: Complete eight paragraphs of portfolio reflections.
                                          • Grade 8: Final draft of graduation speech due Thursday
                                          • Big Ideas Math Website: Choose your level/color
                                          • Grade 7:
                                            • Due Tues., 5/11:
                                              • Level 1: Complete 3.6 Extensions (handout), odd numbered problems. Must show all steps!
                                              • Level 2: Complete 3.6 Extensions (handout), #3, 8, 11
                                            • Grade 8:
                                              • Due Tues., 6/11: Nada
                                          • Due Wed., 6/12: Complete experiment summary and project reflection.
                                          • Continue working on your part for any songs you are singing/playing for graduation
                                          • Bring in baby pictures (print or digital) ASAP!
                                          • Yearbook must be done Tuesday, June 11. This means all personal pages and community pages. Payment for yearbook ($25) also due by Tues., 6/11
                                          Moment of Zen

                                          A Bunny in Bunny Slippers

                                          Meet Albi, rabbit of the world. His profile says that he "...avoids hipsters and dogs whenever possible," and, ...enjoys digging, vegan food, ripping up rugs, and head massages." He's also quite tech savvy and can be found on Youtube, Instagram and facebook and his very own website (just look for "albirabbit"). Which he keeps up with in his bunny slippers, naturellement.