Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Morse Hill Fieldtrip -- Tomorrow!

Important Information: * Departure time from HCCPS is 8:45 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 2 (tomorrow). * Students are to bring a snack, bag lunch, and drinks (water bottle!). * Wear sturdy shoes that are comfortable on cables and running in a field. * Dress for the weather by bringing rain gear and layered clothing (definitely include a sweater). * Also, bring hat and gloves because of likely cool temperatures. The ropes courses are in the woods -- not warmed by the sun. * Return time to HCCPS is 5:00 p.m. * A family potluck will take place from 5:00 p.m. to about 6:00 p.m. in the All-School space. Please refer to the email sent last week as to what to bring for the pot luck. * Both forms, the permission slip and the Morse Hill emergency and release forms, were to have been returned today (Wednesday). The purpose of the Prism field trip to Morse Hill early in the school year is to do community-building activities. On October 3rd, we will use what we learn by doing community service in and around HCCPS in small groups -- participating in a river clean-up, supporting the work of students and teachers in HCCPS classrooms, and working to protect our local watershed. Please contact Jane Percival or John Van Beckum if you have any questions regarding this field trip.

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