Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

General Announcements:
  • Friday PE: Wear or bring clothes/shoes to move in indoors.
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • Due Wed., 2/13: Finish your novel about South Africa (Cry, The Beloved Country or Chain of Fire), complete reading log and come ready to discuss.
  • Big Ideas Math Website: choose your color/name of book.
  • Graph paper link on the sidebar →
  • Grade 7
  • Due Wed., 2/13:
    • Level 1:
    • Finish finding the surface area of both cylinders that can be made from an 8½ by 11 sheet of paper.
    • Quiz tomorrow on surface area of prisms/cylinders
    • Level 2: Make a net to scale for your assigned pyramid and do textbook, p. 274, #7, 9. 14
  • Grade 8
  • Due Wed., 2/13: textbook, p. 234, #18-23 odd, 27-32.
    Challenge: 34
  • Due Thurs., 2/14: 2 page reading on salt, p. 172-173
  • Test Fri., 2/15 on limestone cycle. Use study guide handed out today to prepare.
  • Due Fri., 2/15: Script for your Dr. Seuss skit due to your group members and room leader (Grace, Beth, John) via Google Docs
    Grade 7
  • Grade 8
8th Grade Project:
  • Due Mon., 2/25: 100 notecards (total) on topic due.

Moment of Zen

Now You've Seen a Giraffe Sweater

Japanese artists Mai Yamashita and Naoto Kobayashi knit this sweater as a gift for a 4 meter tall giraffe in a zoo. The giraffe has, as of yet, declined to wear it.

See also: Penguin Sweaters.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

General Announcements:
  • Friday PE: Wear or bring clothes/shoes to move in indoors.
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • Due Wed., 2/13: Finish your novel about South Africa (Cry, The Beloved Country or Chain of Fire), complete reading log and come ready to discuss.
  • Big Ideas Math Website: choose your color/name of book.
  • Graph paper link on the sidebar →
  • Grade 7
  • Due Wed., 2/13:
    • Level 1: textbook, p. 266, #5-13 odd
    • Level 2: Finish Ant & Caterpillar. If done, start "Squaring a Greek Cross"
  • Grade 8
  • Due Wed., 2/13: textbook, p. 234, #1-6, 11-17
  • Nada
  • Due Fri., 2/15: Script for your Dr. Seuss skit due to your group members and room leader (Grace, Beth, John) via Google Docs
    Grade 7
  • Grade 8
8th Grade Project:
  • Due Mon., 2/25: 100 notecards (total) on topic due.

Moment of Zen

Elementals for the Whole Periodic Table?

Cartoonist Kaycie D. has been comping up with characters to represent each of the elements of the periodic table since her high school Chemistry class. Many years later, she's come up with characters personifying each of the 112 elements of the periodic table. She's illustrated each with a brief description of the element, which usually explains why she chose to draw the character the way she did.