Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

General Announcements:
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • Fri., 3/2 - Prisms Coffeehouse!
  • Yoga Unit in PE on Fridays - Please wear or bring comfortable clothes to move in on Fridays during this unit.
  • Due Thurs., 2/9: Finish anti-slavery packet to prepare for role play tomorrow.
  • Ongoing Continue taking notes on your historical figure, using research materials you got at Forbes Library today. If you go back on your own, remember to tell the librarian on duty that you're working on this project to get free copies/microfilm printouts.
  • 7th Grade Research Paper
  • Due Th., 2/9: 45 notecards with sources
  • Deadlines for 7th Grade Abolitionist Research Paper (updated 1/31)
  • Graph paper link on the sidebar →

    Grade 7
  • Due Fri., 2/10: Worksheet, then Challenge, p. 65. #35-38.
  • Math's Mate Test Fri., 2/10: Prepare by looking through old MM sheets and looking at/redoing problems you got wrong.

  • Grade 8
  • Prepare for Math's Mate Test: Look through old MM sheets an look at/redo problems you got wrong.
    • Algebra A: Fri., 2/10
    • Algebra B: Fri., 2/17
  • Due

8th Grade Project:
Moment of Zen:

Maybe The World's Only Cauliflower Artist

Brock Davis, picking up on a visual similarity between a cauliflower floret and a cloud, took that to another level and started modeling famous explosions in cauliflower. Click above to see his Cauliflower-Hiroshima and Cauliflower-Challenger as well as the Cauliflower-Hindenburg pictured above.

Then again, this is the same guy who built a Broccoli Treehouse for his son, lamenting that it was the best he could do for a tree to build a house in, so maybe we shouldn't be so surprised.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

General Announcements:
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • Fri., 3/2 - Prisms Coffeehouse!
  • Yoga Unit in PE on Fridays - Please wear or bring comfortable clothes to move in on Fridays during this unit.
  • Due Thurs., 2/9: Finish anti-slavery packet to prepare for role play tomorrow.
  • Ongoing Continue taking notes on your historical figure, using research materials you got at Forbes Library today. If you go back on your own, remember to tell the librarian on duty that you're working on this project to get free copies/microfilm printouts.
  • 7th Grade Research Paper
  • Due Th., 2/9: 45 notecards with sources
  • Deadlines for 7th Grade Abolitionist Research Paper (updated 1/31)
  • Graph paper link on the sidebar →

    Grade 7
  • Due Thurs., 2/9: Do p. 15, #27.
    • "Write a check" = negative number
    • "deposit" = positive number
  • Math's Mate Test Fri., 2/10

  • Grade 8
  • Due Thurs., 2/9: Organize Pythagorean Theorem work in binder. Mae cover with title "Exploring the Pythagorean Theorem", your name and a related illustration in glorious full color.
  • Math's Mate Test:
    • Algebra A: Fri., 2/10
    • Algebra B: Fri., 2/17
  • Due Wed., 2/8: Complete cover for unit on cells. Must include title, "Life and Structure of Cells", your name, and an illustration relating to some aspect of our study done carefully in colored pencil.

8th Grade Project:
Moment of Zen:

The Cup Drawings of Gwyneth Leech

For the last five months at a Gallery in New York, Gwyneth Leech has been drawing on old coffee cups. This is no new pastime at an art gallery, but the twist is that this time, it's the exhibit. Leech has been accepting visitors' used coffee cups, drawing on them, and hanging them up. At this point near the end of her residency, she has over 700. Here's her statement to would-be contributors:

Bring me one of your own used paper coffee cups with your name and the date you drank the beverage written on the bottom. and I will add it to the installation.

Two rules:
Wash out your cup first.
No Styrofoam!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

General Announcements:
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • Fri., 3/2 - Prisms Coffeehouse!
  • Yoga Unit in PE on Fridays - Please wear or bring comfortable clothes to move in on Fridays during this unit.
  • Due
  • Ongoing Continue taking notes on your historical figure, using research materials you got at Forbes Library today. If you go back on your own, remember to tell the librarian on duty that you're working on this project to get free copies/microfilm printouts.
  • 7th Grade Research Paper
  • Due Th., 2/9: 45 notecards with sources
  • Deadlines for 7th Grade Abolitionist Research Paper (updated 1/31)
  • Graph paper link on the sidebar →

    Grade 7
  • Nada
  • Grade 8
  • Nichts
  • Due Wed., 2/8: Complete cover for unit on cells. Must include title, "Life and Structure of Cells", your name, and an illustration relating to some aspect of our study done carefully in colored pencil.

8th Grade Project:
Moment of Zen:

Elsewhere, This crazy winter

It may not be snowing here when we most expect it, but Rome, Italy did have snow this week for the first time in 26 years.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

General Announcements:
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • Fri., 3/2 - Prisms Coffeehouse!
  • Yoga Unit in PE on Fridays - Please wear or bring comfortable clothes to move in on Fridays during this unit.
  • Due
  • Ongoing Continue taking notes on your historical figure, using research materials you got at Forbes Library today. If you go back on your own, remember to tell the librarian on duty that you're working on this project to get free copies/microfilm printouts.
  • 7th Grade Research Paper
  • Due Th., 2/9: 45 notecards with sources
  • Deadlines for 7th Grade Abolitionist Research Paper (updated 1/31)
  • Graph paper link on the sidebar →

    Grade 7
  • Due Tues., 2/7: p. 26, #1-7 and 14-26 odds
  • Grade 8
  • Test Tues., 2/7 on Looking for Pythagoras material. Use review sheet discussed as you see fit. Answer key is on Google Docs via this link.
  • Nada

8th Grade Project:
Moment of Zen:

Godzilla, Ladies Man