Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012

General Announcements:
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • Sat., Dec 1: Winter Fair! Prisms are performing on recorder and other instruments in the PE Space (formerly the CDSS offices) at 11:30 AM.
  • Tue., Dec. 11: Trip to Islamic Society in West Springfield.
  • Fri., Dec. 14: 6-7-8 Dance
  • PE on Friday - Bring sneakers/shoes you can run in (no flip flops or sandals for PE), and warm clothes that you can still move in - we are still going up to the field until further notice.
  • Study for Geography Test on Southwest Asia. Revise cookbook story. Final draft due!
  • Work on writing story for cookbook spread (300-400 words), and making sure you have all ingredients and instructions for the recipe you collected from your interview subject.
  • NEWS FOR YOU!  You now have a link to your textbook!  This  link will bring you to the Big Ideas Math Website, where you will choose your color/name of book.  Then you can search the entire textbook - like today's sample problems done together in class.  Check it out - you can search without a username and password in the "Home Edition".
  • Graph paper link on the sidebar →
  • Grade 7
  • Due Fri., 11/30: Pick one of the end of Ch. 2 problems handed out today: Either the bookcase problem or the party planning problem.
  • Grade 8
  • Nada
    Grade 7
  • Chapter 2 Vocabulary Quiz 12/4 (Tues.) Pobre Ana
  • Grade 8
  • Chap. 5 grammar book (Reg. Present Tense) Quiz Fri. 30th
  • Practice your part for "Step Back Baby" and show up to the Winter Fair ready to play! Also, practice one song in
  • Due Wed., 12/5: First draft of cookbook border.
  • Tech
  • Bring in Flash Dive ASAP

  • Moment of Zen

    Birds on Twitter

    Latvian artist Voldemars Dudums set up a Twitter account for hungry birds outside his house. The setup is a keyboard overlaid with squares of bacon fat. When the birds peck at the food, they press the keys. Their messages are uploaded to the Twitter account @hungry_birds.

    Wednesday, November 28, 2012

    Wednesday, November 28, 2012

    General Announcements:
    • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
    • Tue., Dec. 11: Trip to Islamic Society in West Springfield.
    • Fri., Dec. 14: 6-7-8 Dance
    • PE on Friday - Bring sneakers/shoes you can run in (no flip flops or sandals for PE), and warm clothes that you can still move in - we are still going up to the field until further notice.
    • Study for Geography Test on Southwest Asia. Revise cookbook story. Final draft due tomorrow.
    • Work on writing story for cookbook spread (300-400 words), and making sure you have all ingredients and instructions for the recipe you collected from your interview subject.
    • NEWS FOR YOU!  You now have a link to your textbook!  This  link will bring you to the Big Ideas Math Website, where you will choose your color/name of book.  Then you can search the entire textbook - like today's sample problems done together in class.  Check it out - you can search without a username and password in the "Home Edition".
    • Graph paper link on the sidebar →
    • Grade 7
    • Due Thurs., 11/29: p. 89, #1-16
    • Grade 8
    • Due Thurs., 11/29: p. 61, #23, 24, 26, 27
      Grade 7
    • Chapter 2 Vocabulary Quiz 12/4 (Tues.) Pobre Ana
    • Grade 8
    • Chap. 5 grammar book (Reg. Present Tense) Quiz Fri. 30th
    • Due Thurs., 11/29:
      • L1: Practice "Simmon Tree" song until comfortable playing it.
      • L2: Learn more than one song on the sheet of songs using the notes B, A, G, E, D
      • L3: Write your own short recorder composition in the staff space provided on the B, A, G, E, D sheet
  • Bring in Flash Dive ASAP

  • Moment of Zen

    Candle Powered Electric Candle

    Totally pointless, but using really interesting technology that converts heat into electrical energy.

    Tuesday, November 27, 2012

    Tuesday, November 27, 2012

    General Announcements:
    • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
    • Tue., Dec. 11: Trip to Islamic Society in West Springfield.
    • Fri., Dec. 14: 6-7-8 Dance
    • PE on Friday - Bring sneakers/shoes you can run in (no flip flops or sandals for PE), and warm clothes that you can still move in - we are still going up to the field until further notice.
    • Due Wed, 11/28: Finish reading "Moslems Hear and Obey" and continue to create study guide.
    • Work on writing story for cookbook spread (300-400 words), and making sure you have all ingredients and instructions for the recipe you collected from your interview subject.
    • NEWS FOR YOU!  You now have a link to your textbook!  This  link will bring you to the Big Ideas Math Website, where you will choose your color/name of book.  Then you can search the entire textbook - like today's sample problems done together in class.  Check it out - you can search without a username and password in the "Home Edition".
    • Graph paper link on the sidebar →
    • Grade 7
    • Test Wed., 11/28 on solving for a variable in equations and inequalities.
    • Grade 8
    • Nada
    • Due Wed., 11/28: Read 4.1, then answer p. 81, #1-3, 5-9 on separate paper.
      Grade 7
    • Chapter 2 Vocabulary Quiz 12/4 (Tues.) Pobre Ana
    • Grade 8
    • Chap. 5 grammar book (Reg. Present Tense) Quiz Fri. 30th
    • Due Thurs., 11/29:
      • L1: Practice "Simmon Tree" song until comfortable playing it.
      • L2: Learn more than one song on the sheet of songs using the notes B, A, G, E, D
      • L3: Write your own short recorder composition in the staff space provided on the B, A, G, E, D sheet
  • Bring in Flash Dive ASAP
  • Moment of Zen

    8-Bit In Real Life

    This fluorite crystal looks something like images from the Hubble Space Telescope rendered for old-school Nintendo. That said, it's strangely entrancing.

    Monday, November 26, 2012

    Monday, November 26, 2012

    General Announcements:
    • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
    • Tue., Dec. 11: Trip to Islamic Society in West Springfield.
    • Fri., Dec. 14: 6-7-8 Dance
    • PE on Friday - Bring sneakers/shoes you can run in (no flip flops or sandals for PE), and warm clothes that you can still move in - we are still going up to the field until further notice.
    • Due Wed, 11/27: Finish reading "Mohammed Speaks for Allah" and box in about 20 key terms (look for important people, places, events and concepts).
    • Work on writing story for cookbook spread (300-400 words), and making sure you have all ingredients and instructions for the recipe you collected from your interview subject.
    • NEWS FOR YOU!  You now have a link to your textbook!  This  link will bring you to the Big Ideas Math Website, where you will choose your color/name of book.  Then you can search the entire textbook - like today's sample problems done together in class.  Check it out - you can search without a username and password in the "Home Edition".
    • Graph paper link on the sidebar →
    • Grade 7
    • Due Tues., 11/27: Record & Practice Journal, p. 87 A & B, #1-15 odd.
    • Grade 8
    • Due Tues., 11/27: textbook, p. 59-60, #1-11 odd, 15, 17, 21
      Challenge: p. 61, #27 (Graph it!)
    • Due Wed., 11/28: Read 4.1, then answer p. 81, #1-3, 5-9 on separate paper.
    • Due Thurs., 11/29:
      • L1: Practice "Simmon Tree" song until comfortable playing it.
      • L2: Learn more than one song on the sheet of songs using the notes B, A, G, E, D
      • L3: Write your own short recorder composition in the staff space provided on the B, A, G, E, D sheet
  • Bring in Flash Dive ASAP
  • Moment of Zen

    Geek Chic: Circuit Board Nails