Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tomorrow, Friday, November 6, will be a late start day for students. School will begin one hour later. Doors will open at 9:15, and assembly will begin at 9:30.
You must have an independent reading book every day. If you are getting close to the end of one, have the next one at school and ready to go. Math: 7th Grade:
  • Due Fri., 11/6: Complete 3.4 in CMP book on p. 40-41 according to directions except make 7 columns at the very beginning.
8th Grade:
  • Due Fri., 11/6: Complete 3.2 on p. 39, B only, tables only.
Social Studies:
  • Test tomorrow, Friday, 11/6
  • None assigned
Language Arts:
  • Due Mon., 11/9: Chapter 13 in Goddess of Yesterday
    • Read Ch. 13 (22 pages).
    • Be ready for a quiz
    • On blank, 8½ x 11" paper, draw a symbol for the chapter. Your symbol should be large enough to be seen by the class.
    • On the back of the same page with your symbol, write a brief explanation of your symbol (a few sentences).
Moment of Zen:
What's your caption?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

You must have an independent reading book every day. If you are getting close to the end of one, have the next one at school and ready to go. Math: 7th & 8th Grade:
  • Due Thurs., 11/5: Complete Math's Mate, Term 1, Sheet 7 and corrections for Term 1, Sheet 6. Write out your corrections for 1.6 and your work for * questions on 1.7 on the same sheet of white, lined paper.
Social Studies:
  • Test this Friday, 11/6: Study (=read over) your notes: do you know all the key terms, personalities and places?
  • None assigned
Language Arts: <
  • Due Thurs., 11/5: Chapter 12 in Goddess of Yesterday:
    • Read Ch. 12 (21 pages).
    • Be ready for a quiz.
    • On an index card, write a question you have about what you read and a short passage copied from the chapter that you would like the class to discuss.
  • Also for Thursday: Bring instruments into school to practice with Nick Kachulis from 12:45-1:25.
Moment of Zen:
Plate tectonics in action: Recently published geology research suggests that a rift recently opened in the Ethiopian desert will likely become a new sea over the next million years. Follow link for full article.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

You must have an independent reading book every day. If you are getting close to the end of one, have the next one at school and ready to go. Math: 7th Grade:
  • Due Wed., 11/4: Complete 3.3 on p. 39-40 of CMP book about potential profit from the bike tour. Show how you got your answers, and be certain to restate the question in your answer. Remember that you can write on the photocopy of p. 39 handed out in class, and write in your answer to see the attached sheet. Staple the copied sheet to your work.
8th Grade:
  • Due Wed., 11/4: Complete 3.1 on p. 36 of CMP book. Show how you arrived at each answer and be sure to restate the question in your answer. You will need graph paper.
Social Studies:
  • Test this Friday, 11/6: Study (=read over) your notes: do you know all the key terms, personalities and places?
  • Due Wed., 11/4: Read Science World handed out yesterday: answer the questions and make a bar graph of the data - use a ruler!
Language Arts:
  • Due Thurs., 11/5: Chapter 12 in Goddess of Yesterday:
    • Read Ch. 12 (21 pages).
    • Be ready for a quiz.
    • On an index card, write a question you have about what you read and a short passage copied from the chapter that you would like the class to discuss.
  • Also for Thursday: Bring instruments into school to practice with Nick Kachulis from 12:45-1:25.
Moment of Zen:
Snow monkeys relax in a hot spring on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido. Snow monkeys are notable in their hot-tubbing habit and their practice of seasoning their food by washing it in salt water instead of fresh water.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

You must have an independent reading book every day. If you are getting close to the end of one, have the next one at school and ready to go. Math: 7th Grade:
  • Due Tue., 11/3: Complete 3.2 on p. 38-39 of CMP book about the number of customers who would sign up for the tour at a given price. Write in complete, edited sentences that explain your thinking and show your work. Be sure I know the question from your answer. You will need graph paper.
8th Grade:
  • Due Tue., 11/2: Complete #22 on p. 33 of CMP book about the populations of four towns over eight years. Graph the data for the first three towns (Deep Valley, Nowhere and Swampville) on the same coordinate grid, and the data for Mt. Silicon on a seperate sheet of graph paper. If you began graphing all four on the same paper, you can leave the data for the first three there, but you need to make a seperate graph of them as well. You will need two sheets of graph paper and at least three colored pencils. Please use colored pencil instead of symbols to show the different lines on the grid. Be careful choosing your scale. Write in complete, edited sentences that explain your thinking and show your work.
Social Studies:
  • Due Tue., 11/3: Write a letter as a Spartan or Athenian. Detailed instructions are on the last page of the "Two City-States" handout.
  • Due Wed., 11/4: Read Science World handed out today: answer the questions and make a bar graph of the data - use a ruler!
Language Arts:
  • Due Thurs., 11/5: Chapter 12 in Goddess of Yesterday:
    • Read Ch. 12 (21 pages).
    • Be ready for a quiz.
    • On an index card, write a question you have about what you read and a short passage copied from the chapter that you would like the class to discuss.
  • Also for Thursday: Bring instruments into school to practice with Nick Kachulis from 12:45-1:25.
Spanish: 7th grade:
  • Due Tue., 11/3: In the Ahora magazine, read one article to tell the rest of the class about on Tuesday.
8th grade:
  • Nada
Moment of Zen:
This edition of Dinosaur Comics: Greek myth with a little bit of Vonnegut for good measure?