Monday, October 5, 2015

Tuesday October 6, 2015

Welcome to the Prisms Homework Blog!

Assignments are "due next class" unless another date is specified.


  • Read and study vocab due  Thursday 10/8  
  • Keep reading on your radar!
The Girl who Owned a City pages 7-51
Lord of the Flies pages 7-57
Animal Farm pages 3-44 (Ch.I-IV)

Math (7th)

  • Handout Practice 25b

Math (8th):  
  • Work on Citrus Sale Project

Math (Grace)

TECH (Grace)

  • Both Abenaki picture pages due Friday 10/9


  • Everyone must have a printed photo of their transformation state for class on Wednesday October 7th.  This week in class, students will draw a second phase of their transformation.


  • Science Quiz Friday 10/9
-read and study vocabulary
-it will be multiple choice
-prepare for 1 open response

  • Finish study guide for Friday 10/9
  • Finish notes/Connections for documentary -due next class!

Blacks and Revolution Assignment

Spanish (7th)  
  • Tarea-  "paquete"

Spanish (8th)

  • Tarea- Puppet show performances-due el jueves (Thursday)

Now it's time for the nerdy Quote of the Day! How can we apply this timeless message to our homework? : )

" The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up. "– Timothy Mouse, Dumbo