Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday, May 30, 2013

General Announcent:
  • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
  • Fridays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
  • Tuesday, June 4 Eighth Grade Project Presentations, 3rd Floor, 6:30-8 PM. The Chanterelle food truck will be in residence as part of one student's project presentation, and will be open for dinner sales until 6 PM the night of the presentations.
  • Grade 8: Revise your paper according to rubric and to your buddy's comments
  • Big Ideas Math Website: Choose your level/color
  • Grade 7:
    • Due Thurs., 5/30: Be ready to present your two detailed car summaries (2 min. presentation covering pros, cons, and recommended buyer). If you need to finish your graphs, remember that the x-axis represents Miles Driven and goes up to 1000 (1 box=100 miles) and that the y-axis represents Fuel Cost ($) and goes up to $350 (1 box=$25).
    • Due Fri., 5/31: Your 250-word comparison of the two cars in your summaries (see Project Description for more details).
Grade 8
  • Nada
  • Continue working on your part for any songs you are singing/playing for graduation
  • Bring in baby pictures (print or digital) ASAP!
  • Yearbook must be done Tuesday, June 11. This means all personal pages and community pages. Payment for yearbook ($25) also due by Tues., 6/11
Moment of Zen
That is all.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

General Announcent:
  • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
  • Fridays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
  • Tuesday, June 4 Eighth Grade Project Presentations, 3rd Floor, 6:30-8 PM. The Chanterelle food truck will be in residence as part of one student's project presentation, and will be open for dinner sales until 6 PM the night of the presentations.
  • Grade 8: Revise your paper according to rubric and to your buddy's comments
  • Big Ideas Math Website: Choose your level/color
  • Grade 7:
    • Due Thurs., 5/30: Be ready to present your two detailed car summaries (2 min. presentation covering pros, cons, and recommended buyer). If you need to finish your graphs, remember that the x-axis represents Miles Driven and goes up to 1000 (1 box=100 miles) and that the y-axis represents Fuel Cost ($) and goes up to $350 (1 box=$25).
    • Due Fri., 5/31: Your 250-word comparison of the two cars in your summaries (see Project Description for more details).
Grade 8
  • Nada
  • Continue working on your part for any songs you are singing/playing for graduation
  • Bring in baby pictures (print or digital) ASAP!
  • Yearbook must be done Tuesday, June 11. This means all personal pages and community pages. Payment for yearbook ($25) also due by Tues., 6/11
Moment of Zen

Teenage Mutant Ninja...Snails?

Angie, of Crochet All the Things! crocheted snailified versions of the four canonical Ninja Turtles. See more of her work by clicking above.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

General Announcent:
  • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
  • Fridays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE. We will be up at the field.
  • Grade 8: Revise your paper according to rubric and to your buddy's comments
  • Big Ideas Math Website: Choose your level/color
  • Grade 7:
    • Due Wednesday, 5/29: Complete your two detailed car summaries using the template shared with you on Google Drive. When making your graph, remember that the x-axis represents Miles Driven and goes up to 1000 (1 box=100 miles) and that the y-axis represents Fuel Cost ($) and goes up to $350 (1 box=$25).
Grade 8
    Due Wed., 5/29: Practice, #3
  • Nada
  • Continue working on your part for any songs you are singing/playing for graduation
  • Bring in baby pictures (print or digital) ASAP!
  • Yearbook must be done Tuesday, June 11. This means all personal pages and community pages. Payment for yearbook ($25) also due by Tues., 6/11
Moment of Zen
