Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

General Announcements:
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • Hip Hop PE Thursdays from now until the beginning of May. Wear or bring clothes you can dance in and sneakers.
  • Graph paper link on the sidebar →
    Grade 7
  • Due Tues., 3/20: p. 27, #6-9, 13
  • Grade 8
  • Due Tues., 3/20: p. 52, #4, 5, 8
  • Algebra B
  • Math's Mates Test TBA
  • Due Wed., 3/14: Read "The Mill as a System" and answer questions 1-3 on lined paper.

8th Grade Project:

We will be visiting the Lowell Mills on Thursday, March 15th. All students must be at school at 6:30am. We will return around 5:15pm. Students need to bring a lunch that does not need to be heated, as well as a water bottle (Blue House lunches will NOT be available).

Moment of Zen

Happy π Day!

Click the photo to read about π through history, from its early appearances on the Egyptian Rhind papyrus (~1650 BCE) to contemporary π-deas.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

General Announcements:
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • Hip Hop PE Thursdays from now until the beginning of May. Wear or bring clothes you can dance in and sneakers.
  • Wed., 3/14 - π Day! Bring your favorite pi(e). Bring π songs, stories. There is a pie signup in the River Room to make sure we don't get too many repeats, but more pie is not a problem.
  • Graph paper link on the sidebar →
    Grade 7
  • Due Wed., 3/14: p. 25 #4 (all parts)
  • Grade 8
  • Nada
  • Algebra B
  • Due Tues., 3/13: p. 435, #22-59, leftmost column only.
  • Math's Mates Test TBA
  • Due Wed., 3/14: Read "The Mill as a System" and answer questions 1-3 on lined paper.

8th Grade Project:

We will be visiting the Lowell Mills on Thursday, March 15th. All students must be at school at 6:30am. We will return around 5:15pm. Students need to bring a lunch that does not need to be heated, as well as a water bottle (Blue House lunches will NOT be available).

Moment of Zen

Shiny dinosaurs? >>  Dinosaur's Flashy Feathers Revealed

"According to a new study, Microraptors—four-winged, feathered dinosaurs that lived 125 million years ago—sported Earth's earliest known iridescence, as pictured in this illustration.  Recent research suggests the pigeon-size Microraptor's feathers glimmered black and blue in sunlight, like feathers of modern crows or grackles."

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

General Announcements:
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • Hip Hop PE Thursdays from now until the beginning of May. Wear or bring clothes you can dance in and sneakers.
  • Wed., 3/14 - π Day! Bring your favorite pi(e). Bring π songs, stories. There is a pie signup in the River Room to make sure we don't get too many repeats, but more pie is not a problem.
Humanities: Math:
  • Graph paper link on the sidebar →
    Grade 7
  • Due Tues., 3/13: On p. 19-20, do Inv. 2.3, parts A,C,D only. You will need graph paper.
  • Grade 8
  • Nada
  • Algebra B
  • Due Tues., 3/13: p. 435, #22-59, leftmost column only.
  • Math's Mates Test TBA
  • Due Wed., 3/14: Read "The Mill as a System" and answer questions 1-3 on lined paper.
8th Grade Project:
Moment of Zen:

Behold the power of cardboard

A favorite medium of sculpture/installation artist Clemens Behr. Click to see more of his work.