Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

General Announcements:
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace
  • Eighth Grade Project resource page up, including project deadlines through Jan. 12 and downloadable documents. Page will be updated as I get new information.

  • All:
    • Due Fri., 1/7: Those who have to take a retest next Monday (1/10) are to show me problems you have worked though and had corrected by in study/math homestudy time.

Language Arts:
  • Due Fri., 1/7: Read in your independent reading book for 20 minutes.

Social Studies:
  • Some kind of mindfulness practice or writing about one piece of the Eightfold Path? Can someone fill me in on this, it wasn't on the board.

  • Due Fri., 1/7:
    • Fill in the blanks on the yellow sheet delivered Wednesday afternoon.
    • Note change made Th., 1/6: you are doing #10 in addition to the assignment from yesterday: Review Questions on photocopy of p. 279-290: skip vocab. section (first column on p. 279), then answer 1, 4, 6-8, 10, 11, 12.

  • Completa sopa de letras/búscapalabras

Moment of Zen:

Muppets with People Eyes

Count one more point for Photoshop. With new movie The Muppets coming out this fall, they seem to have crawled into the public consciousness in the best possible ways. Beyond the numerous recent Muppet mashup videos and the movie itself comes this blog of photos of Muppets edited to have human eyes. Uncanny.

Eighth Grade Project Resources 2010-2011

Updated Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Upcoming Project Due Dates (Same as project calendar handed out)
  • Journal Entries due every Thursday:
    • April: 4/28
    • May: 5/5, 5/12, 5/19 (5/19 entry should include interactive element ideas)
    • June: 6/10 (Friday, final journal entry: Be specific about what worked for you—or didn't—during the exhibit time.)
  • Additional Due Dates:
    • Sat., May 14:Locate exhibit board(s) for presenting some of your project elements.
    • Fri., May 20: See advisor about challenges you are having with your exhibit project
    • Wed., May 25: Your Completed Project is due today with all exhibit board elements. Do not glue anything onto board.
    • Thurs., May 26:Your advisor will do a "check-in" of your compelted project & exhibit board elements today if not done on May 25th
    • Fri., May 27-Thurs., June 2:Project Presentations to a small committee.
    • Mon., June 6: Museum exhibits will be set up today during the school day.
    • Tues., June 7: Museum time for some classes in AM. Evening Museum for Prism families & community begins 6:30 PM
    • Wed., June 8: Museum time for some classes in AM. If possible, take all exhibit materials home today.
    • Thurs., June 9: Make arrangements to take all exhibit materials home today if not already taken home.

Downloadable Project Documents
Right-click/Control-click to download; file formats as marked.
Please let me know if you have trouble downloading one of these files. —Grace

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

General Announcements:
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace

  • All:
    • Those who have to take a retest next Monday (1/10) are to use math homestudy time to study for test. Use problems from the textbook to study.

Language Arts:
  • Due Thurs., 1/6: Read in your independent reading book for 40 minutes.

Social Studies:
  • None

  • Due Fri., 1/7:
    • Fill in the blanks on the yellow sheet delivered this afternoon.
    • Review Questions on photocopy of p. 279-290: skip vocab. section (first column on p. 279), then answer 1, 4, 6-8, 11, 12.

  • Nada

Moment of Zen:

The Camels of the Old West

Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

General Announcements:
  • If you ever notice something missing or wrong on the blog, comment to let me know about it - I don't always have the whole picture. -Grace

  • All:
    • Those who have to take a retest next Monday (1/10) are to use math homestudy time to study for test. You are to pick up your textbook copy to study.

Language Arts:
  • Have your independent reading book with you at all times.

Social Studies:
  • Due Tues., 1/4: Organize the Social Studies papers in the folder according to the following guidelines:
    • Left-hand Pocket: Assessments
    • Right-hand Pocket: Any readings, textbook excerpts (copies), your 3¶ summary of CT River History
    • In the prongs:
      • First page: 1¶ summary of this study
      • Second page: Verse "When the Drive Comes Down"
      • Following pages: Place in order, by date, starting from oldest and ending with most recent at back.
    • Glue cover on front: Make sure your name is at least ½" letter size and bolded
    • Hand in ordered folder to John!
    • The final entry will be photos of your 3D drawing for the timeline project. Once this is in, this will go home for your parents to review.

  • Due Tues., 1/4: Finish reading 13.3 on Evolution. Answer questions 1 and 3 (not 2) on p. 275 using complete sentences on separate paper.

  • Grade 7: Nada
  • Grade 8: Due Tues., 1/4: Completar los dibujos del vocabulario (las palabras nuevas) y releer el mini-cuento (Complete the drawings of vocabulary words and re-read mini-story).

Moment of Zen:

Traveling through time and taste...The Gingerbread TARDIS