Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

General Announcent:
  • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
  • Fridays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE.
  • Grade 7: Draft of hero essay due Fri., 4/12. Email to Anna at when complete.
  • Due Mon., 4/22: Action plan worksheet.
  • All: Finish your novel by 4/11 (Thursday)
  • Big Ideas Math Website: Choose your level/color
  • Grade 7:
    • Nada
    • Grade 8
    • Due Fri., 4/12: Do odd numbered problems on Prob. Set A or B and #4 on Volume & Surface Area Prob. Set (all handouts).
    • Due Wed., 4/10: Your completed project.
      Grade 7:
    • Grade 8
    • Due Thurs., 4/11: Practice "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and, if you're playing recorder for the Renaissance dance, practice your part for this also.
    • Practice your other recorder song, if still necessary.
    • If you've lost or are confused by your music, see this Google Doc which contains the sheet music and links to Soundcloud to recordings of the music you can play along with.
    8th Grade Project:
    • Due Mon., 4/8: Proposal outline and rough draft
    Moment of Zen

    Two-Headed Shark

    Tuesday, April 9, 2013

    Tuesday, April 9, 2013

    General Announcent:
    • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
    • Fridays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE.
    • Due Mon., 4/22: Action plan worksheet.
    • All: Finish your novel by 4/11 (Thursday)
  • Big Ideas Math Website: Choose your level/color
  • Grade 7:
    • Test Thurs., 4/11 on Volumes of Prisms and Pyramids
    • Due Wed., 4/10:
      • Level 1: Finish "Future Space Pyramid" worksheet, #9 if not already done. Email Grace if you get stuck.
      • Level 2:
      Grade 8
    • Due Wed., 4/10:
    • Due Wed., 4/10: Your completed project.
      Grade 7:
    • Grade 8
    • Due Thurs., 4/4: Practice "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and, if you're playing recorder for the Renaissance dance, practice your part for this also.
    • Practice your other recorder song, if still necessary.
    • If you've lost or are confused by your music, see this Google Doc which contains the sheet music and links to Soundcloud to recordings of the music you can play along with.
    8th Grade Project:
    • Due Mon., 4/8: Proposal outline and rough draft
    Moment of Zen

    Solar Powered Hybrid Remote Controlled Lawn Mower

    Click for details.

    Monday, April 8, 2013

    Monday, April 8, 2013

    General Announcent:
    • If you notice anything missing or wrong, please comment below. I don't always have the whole picture -Grace
    • Fridays: Wear or bring comfortable clothes for PE.
    • Due Mon., 4/22: Action plan worksheet.
    • All: Finish your novel by 4/11 (Thursday)
  • Big Ideas Math Website: Choose your level/color
  • Grade 7:
    • Test Thurs., 4/11 on Volumes of Prisms and Pyramids
    • Due Tue., 4/9:
      • Level 1: Finish "Future Space Pyramid" worksheet. Email Grace if you get stuck.
      • Level 2: Finish pool plan. Your proposal should include the following:
        1. Proposed Shape (Bird's eye view sketch)
        2. Proposed depth (cutaway sketch)
        3. Initial Calculations
      Grade 8
    • Due Tue., 4/9: handout, p. 274-275
      • L1: #4-6, 10, 11, 13-14, 16-18
      • L2: #4-6, 10, 11, 13-14, 16-22
    • Due Tues., 4/9: Finish coloring climate map
    • Due Tues., 4/9: Your completed poster.
    • Due Wed., 4/10: Your completed project.
      Grade 7:
    • Grade 8
    • Due Thurs., 4/4: Practice "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and, if you're playing recorder for the Renaissance dance, practice your part for this also.
    • Practice your other recorder song, if still necessary.
    • If you've lost or are confused by your music, see this Google Doc which contains the sheet music and links to Soundcloud to recordings of the music you can play along with.
    8th Grade Project:
    • Due Mon., 4/8: Proposal outline and rough draft
    Momiento de Zen

    Not Photoshopped.

    “This is Porkey, she’s an African Pygmy Chameleon. She’s in a bike gang with me (her mom.) Porkey is in such good shape and likes to eat fruit flies.” -Lindsay E.